When will life take a new turn? - Part 8 {English}

They pulled me through the dark. Our shoes echoed to something that sounded like steel floor. I did not really know where we were. The air felt damp and cold and I could hear the ocean singing and making noise. I was bound to the entire upper body and my hands were tightly snared behind my back.
Over my head, I had a black bag in the fabric, I could not see where we were.
- "In there, the boss is waiting!" It was a woman's voice I heard when she put out the order. A door opened and we entered into a warmer room. Someone pushed me down on my knees and the bag around my head was removed.

I blinked a few times until I could see where we were.
The room was oval and lit up in a pink glow. Before me stood a large, black desk, a computer shone a black armchair in the skin behind the desk. The only window that was in the office, it was standing behind the chair and through it I could clearly see a pink glow, but not where it came from. On the side of the desk stood a tall, thin man, I could not see his face so clearly as he stood with his back towards me. He turned around and the bright light lay like a darkness over the man's face.
- "Is he one of them?" His voice seemed familiar but I could not place my finger on where I heard that voice.
- "Yes!" Someone kicked me in the back so I ended up on my stomach on the floor.
- "Hm, and the girl?" He wondered, and set the glass down on the desk and stepped forward. He was wearing beige khaki trousers, the white shirt was in disarray and his tie hung loosely around his neck.

- "The girl will come at another time. Claire and Mr. Kembell would do something about it." Replied one of them. I remained on the floor and could not move or strain to put me up. The man went past me. I did see a pair of beige mocha Tauros by Turon shoes and behind me sounded like he picked a glass bottle. He came back and filled his empty whiskey glass with more whiskey. He drank it and his dark face looked down at me.
- "Okay, and what should we do with you?" There was a knock on the door and someone came in. The man who kicked me down pulled me up on my knees again and pushed my head so I could not look up. The sound of high heels step into the room.
- "We should keep him alive until we got hold of the girl." Woman's voice rang out through the oval room.

- "What is your plan?" He asked. I could feel how Claire looked down at me and the heels hit the floor when she walked up to their boss. She whispered in his ear. - "Excellent, and what do we do with the kid?" She laughed.
- "We need him alive so maybe we should throw him into one of the rooms you have decorated?" A glass tinkled to.
- "Hm, my men can take care of him until then, you start with the plan. And if it fails, you will do best to remove all obstacles that stand in your way." He put the glass down on the desk and mocha shoes stood in front of me. I did not have the ability to look up, one of the men forced me to look down at the floor. A laugh echoed through the dark oval room that was lit by a pink glow.

- "How is she?" I and Elisabeth had been called to Avalon's house immediately when Emma had lost consciousness.
- "She's gonna make it, she is very exhausted." Said Avalon who had hideth his face behind his gray hood. Elisabeth sat on the bed and put a cold towel on Emma's forehead. - "How long has it been going on with her sleeping problems?" Wondered Avalon.
- "Sleep problems?" I did not even know that Emma had sleep problems, certain she had seen and tired out, but I thought it was because she constantly was up before everyone else.

- "I did not know she had trouble sleeping!" I replied late. Avalon turned to Emma and Elisabeth.
- "We'll see when she wakes up. Indefinite I want you to ride home to the vineyard and going through her room., It is much to ask, since you are all such good friends, but she might have written down her dreams and if it can give us answers to why she is not sleeping. "he said quietly and sat down on a chair that stood beside the bed. Emma's unconscious body moved and she whined to. Her face drew together in an ugly mine and she began to twitch. Neither Elizabeth or Avalon made an exertion to interrupt her.
- "What is happening?" My voice was shrill as I've never seen Emma move so restlessly in his sleep. Emma threw up his hands in the air and tried to grab for something. Then came the scream. A scream that quickly choked and she started gargling and trying to breathe. - "But do something then! Please!" I shook Avalon, which stopped me by grabbed my wrists and prevented me from doing anything.

Emma opened her eyes who rolled back and she continued to struggle for air. Elisabeth spent her hand over Emma's eyes and her lips murmured quietly. Emma relaxed and she went to sleep quietly and her breathing where normal. Elisabeth picked off the cool, wet towel and washed on the cold water, wrung out of it and put it on Emma's forehead again.
She was all sweaty. Avalon had released my wrists and sighed.
- "Hurry home to the vineyard," he said and showed me the way out. I did not want to leave Emma alone but I took the order and hurried to Valedale stables, got up at Wild Lion and drove him off to a gallop.

I felt like I turned it upside down on Emma's room without finding anything at all that could lead to her nightmares. I was looking through her computer, but there was nothing either.
Then I had a thought and leaned back in her chair, turned around and looked at the bed and hurried to it. I lifted up the mattress, nothing there either.
- "Damn Emma, Where have you been hiding your block?" I growled and sat down on the bed in frustration. I hid my face in my hands and thought, so it creaked.
Took up the phone and called Emma's number. Avalon or Elisabeth would respond. It went up a few rings before I heard the Avalon's voice.
- "I find nothing, Emma had her black bag with her in her saddle bag, can you check it? She must have brought with them something that can help us." I said.
- "We'll look into it, you can return back." I pushed him away and left Emma's messy room.

When I got back to Avalon's house, sat both he and Elisabeth in the kitchen. Elisabeth was looking through a block that they had found in Emma's black shoulder bag.
- "Can you find something?" I wondered, and step into the kitchen and stood beside Elizabeth to see what Emma wrote.
- "Emma's been clever and wrote down the date and time of the dreams and when she wakes up. The dreams are interesting and just as every night, it represents only a portion have differences from last night." She replied and drank tea from a cup that stood beside her.
I leaned over and read a dream that she had had a few weeks ago.

I run far, my legs fail me. When I look down my legs disappearing into the darkness. There is a darkness I can not explain, but it's as if my legs become locked by the darkness. The room gets smaller. An orange light coming closer to me. I can not see very clearly but when it comes ever closer, the light takes a form and the light emerges an angel. But the wings are black and the shape of them are bats wings. Devil Horns and an arrow tail. The angel turned into a man, a naked man with his hands stretched towards me and grab hold of my throat. I can see clearly how the angel becomes a demon, it is the same demon from all other earlier dreams. He presses and gives me no chance to breathe or take air. I try to scream but nothing comes out of me. I'm trying to pry off his hands but my hands groping in a darkness that goes through the demon. My vision goes black ... I wake up and gasping.
27/8 - 2:30PM.

- "Hm, that dream was not anything like any of the others., I wonder what this could mean?" Said Elisabeth wondered, stroking her forehead and flipped on the block.
Avalon disappeared into from the kitchen and returned with a large book that he put down on the table.
- "What is that?" I wondered and sat down next to Elisabeth, who was still engrossed in the book Dream Emma wrote.
- "Dream Logic." He said, and opened up the book and began to flip through it. - "This may help us to find out what Emma's dreams mean." He continued. He read a long time before he finally found something. Elisabeth had just finished the last page of the block.

- "What Emma dreams about is something called Night Maran, night hag is either a male or female demon with huge sex drive. Now this is not the case, but at this kind of dreams they can paralyze their victims and create havoc in the dreams. Emmas dreams mean something more too. Maran proves to be different all the time, either alone or as it hunts in packs. But I think I know how we can help Emma with nightmares. "He said, and closed the book. - "These things are easily fixed with a little help from each other." He walked over to the fireplace and put up a cup for me, filled up with hot water and put down a tea bag.
- "What shall we do then?" I wondered, and dipped the tea bag a couple of times up and down in the water.
- "We will to get involved in Emma's dreams and drive away the demons. Matter where they come from and why, we'll find out while we're there."

I could not help but scoff at him. I knew that they are both possessed two great forces of light in the Jorvik but to get into someone's dream was something I thought was ridiculous.
- "Elisabeth, do you still have the herbs from the flower and tomorrow night dew drops?"
- "Of course I have, I'll get them right away." She smiled and left the kitchen. The front door closed behind her as she began walking home to her house.
- "How will this work for Emma? What should I do?" I asked.
- "You will be sitting at Emma's side., You will get to talk reassuringly to her and be her guide to the light., We will try to get rid of the demons. Emma may not under any circumstances open the eyes when it happens.'s Why she needs you, someone that might lead her home. "He said and drank the green tea. I drank mine with, but did not feel the least bit interested in it, my thoughts went to Emma upstairs that still was sleeping.

- "Okay, I will do my best." I said.
- "A word of caution Chiara!" This he said seriously. - "She must under no circumstances wake up. If she does, there is a chance that I and Elisabeth does not come back from her dream and we will be stuck there." I nodded immediately.
- "But what should I do to get her to not wake up? If she starts screaming again, and then wake up?" Did I say a little shrill. I began to feel nervous before my mission.
- "It's up to you to find your own way. Whatever you do is up to you, she will not wake up!" He went and drank the last of the tea.

Elisabeth was quickly back and put down two small bottles with a yellow content. Avalon went into his pantry and took out two green leaves. We pulled us up to the room where Emma was. Elisabeth sat down in the foot of the bed and Avalon in the chair next to the bed. Elizabeth was about Emma's ankle and Avalon held her wrist. They crumbled leaves and lay them down in the amber brew that got a neon green color.
- "Remember Chiara, let her not wake up!" I nodded nervously. Avalon and Elisabeth drank of the brew and much soon they fell into a deep sleep. They had entered Emma's dream

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