Sweet Jesus!
Walther satt utanför ett övergivet hus i skogen, där väntade han en bra stund. Vampyrer var alltid sena, han fnös irriterat och grävde med ena skon i marken. Han hade lovar Maria, att han skulle försöka, för allas skull. Ray hade också lovat att uppföra sig, men hur hade de valt att hålla tyst om. Nog skulle de försöka alltid, men uppföra sig, det fanns inte en chans att Walther skulle uppföra sig, Ray däremot, gjorde han det inte. Walther avbröts i sina tankar av ett prasslande ljud, sedan, tystnad. Den onekligen attraktiva vampyren stod framför honom med rödlystna ögon.
”Trodde du hade fegat ur” Walther synade den äldre vampyren uppifrån och ned. Jeans och en skjorta. Det svarta håret låg lite åt sidan, nykammat dagen till ära.
”Aldrig” Ray drog upp överläppen och visade två huggtänder. Walther gjorde likadant och morrade lågt. Det låg något attraktivt hat i luften när Walther gjorde en gest mot dörren och Ray klev in utan ett ord.
Tillsammans gick de ner för en spiraltrappa som ledde dem till källaren, där klev de in i ett rum.
”Hur är detta berättigat?” Ray såg sig omkring i det dammiga rummet med stenväggar och bara en svag lampa som lyste upp delar av utrymmet.
”Menar du Maggan och Maria?” Walther tog ett kliv närmare Ray som kunde känna hundens andetag mot nacken.
”Vi båda vet att detta skulle hända, jag menar, har du inte känt det” Walther tippade huvudet på sned, som en uppmärksam hund.
”Jo…” Andades Ray och vände sig om, bara centimeter från Walthers ansikte.
Utan vidare knäppte Walther upp knapparna på Rays skjorta och lät den glida ner på golvet. Huden var blek mot det svarta håret och Walther såg att han hade en kropp byggd mycket lik hans egen.
Ray sa ingenting, lät det hända, med iver i de röda ögonen. Han kände inte alls som han brukade känna för hunden. Nu kändes han mer som förbjuden mark, och vad gillade vampyrer mer om inte just det, allt förbjudet.
”Vad sägs om...” Walther knäppte upp knappen på Rays jeans och drog ned gylfen.
”… vi låter bli att nämna det för flickorna, vem vet, du kanske vill göra om det”
”Jag… ” Fnös Ray men han kunde inte dölja upphetsningen.
”… eller kanske du” Fortsatte Ray och blottade ännu en gång tänderna.
“Mycket möjligt” andades Walther medan Ray trampade av sig jeansen. Han hade inte haft något under, och för att vara vampyr, verkade han definitivt ha mycket blod i kroppen.
Walther minskade avståndet mellan dem båda och kysste honom, våldsamt, medan Ray slet sönder hans tröja. Ray var betydligt starkare än Walther, men det betydde inte att han skulle gå bestämma. Därför backade Walther, vände sig om och hämtade ett rep som han slängde med i luften.
”Jag vet att du kan ta dig ur detta… men för sakens skull kan du väl låta bli” Ray höjde ett ögonbryn och log finurligt.
”Vi får väl se” Sa han kort men lät Walther binda hans händer bakom ryggen. Han drog åt lite extra, säker på att vilka brännmärken han än utsatte Ray för, skulle den bleka huden läka lika fort som Ray själv önskade.
För sitt eget nöjes skull tvingade Walther upp Rays händer i luften och krokade fast repet i en krok i taket. Han gick runt och beskådade Ray från alla vinklar möjligt. Den ständigt växande kuken, den välformade rumpan, torson och sedan ansiktet.
”Du gillar det” Konstaterade Walther och plockade upp en piska, han slog läderbanden mot sin hand ett par gånger innan han gick runt Ray, ställde sig bakom honom och slog till honom över ryggen.
Rays kropp ryckte till och lämnade tunna röda ränder över ryggen, de bleknade snabbt. Walther slog till honom igen, hårdare. Ray stönade lite och försökte vända sig om men den yngre och betydligt mer bestämda varulven lät honom inte. Istället la han armarna runt Rays midja och pressade sig mot honom. Gned skrevet mot Ray och kuttrade i hans öra.
”Känner du” Sedan backade han, drog långsamt av sig sina byxor och slog till Ray på en skinka.
Ray kunde inte låta bli att tända på tanken att sitta fast, hur lätt han än kunde slita sig, ville han inte. Det fann något oerhört eggande att sitta fast i taket och knappt nå ner med fötterna i golvet, medan en varulv, han förvånades av det själv, nu stod och slog honom med en läderpiska över bröstkorgen.
Walthers svullna kuk stod upp som en raket, redo för avfärd, precis som hans egen. Han ville desperat känna på den, men som det såg ut nu, hade han ingen chans att göra det. Om han inte ville ha sönder repen och förstöra halva nöjet. Därför lät han det vara, blundade och lät hakan sjunka mot bröstkorgen.
När han inte såg vad Walther hade tänkt göra, ökade spänningen och den sensuella känslan som spred sig som löpeld i hans mest känsliga delar.
Walther log för sig själv, beskådade det lilla ollonet framför sig, ställde sig närmare och smekte det med tummen. Rays huvud for upp och knäna böjde sig en annan. Ett stön lämnade de röda läpparna, ett läte som Walther aldrig hört hos Maria, detta var grövre, mer behagligt och bedjande. Han sjönk ned på knä, satte händerna på Rays höfter och förde in kuken mellan sina läppar.
Ray försökte motjucka men Walther lät honom inte. Må hända att vampyrer var starka, men det var varulvar också.
Walther sög hårt, ivrigt, smakade ingenting som Maria och han älskade att ha övertaget.
Ännu en gång blev Ray lämnad, hägnades från taket, Walther hade släppt piskan, slutat suga av honom när han hände att han kunde komma vilken sekund som helst.
Varulven kom tillbaka med kulor som satt i en lång rad, geishakulor.
”Vad ska du med dem till?” Ray visste mycket väl vad de var till för, men han kände att han var tvungen att fråga, för att se om svaret kunde hetsa upp honom mer. Walther flinade och höll dem mot Rays hans.
”Halsband för jättar” Sa han och skrattade ett klingade skratt innan han knät upp repet från taket. Han knuffade Ray mot en bänk som tvingade ner hans bröstkorg mot dem. Sedan höll han kulorna framför sig och tog en tub glidmedel som han dränkte dem i, för att lättare få in dem.
Han höll den första kulan mot Rays öppning och log för sig själv.
”Jag ska ha dem att leka med” Sa han och andades tungt.
”Dra ut dem… och stoppa in dem igen… tills du inte orkar med, och då… ska jag göra det en gång till, för att se vad som händer.”
Walther tog ett tag i nackhåret på Ray och pressade honom hårdare mot bänken medan han lät kulorna sakta glida in.
Ray grymtade och andades tyngre med bröstkorgen mot träbänken. Han mumlade något men Walther brydde sig inte om det. Istället drog han ut kulorna igen för att upprepa allting. Om detta inte var bonding visste han inte vad som var. Han hade en känsla av att det skulle vara väldigt svårt att se Ray på samma sätt igen.
”Om jag släpper håret ligger du snällt kvar då?”
Ray nickade nästan osynligt och Walther släppte håret, lutade sig över Rays rygg, lät hans kuk nudda vid Ray, bara lite och tog sedan tag i Rays kuk och började långsamt runka honom.
Rays knän vek sig, men Walther tvingade honom upprätt, med ett stadigt tag om skaftet och den andra handen som fortsatte det evigt långsamma arbete med de nyfunna vännerna, geishakulor.
Ray kände träsmaken mot bröstkorgen och Walthers varma hand. Svett rann ner för hans ansikte och han stönade lågt varje gång hunden kom åt hans svullna, lila ollon med tummen.
”Walther” andades han, fortfarande med händerna bundna bakom ryggen.
”Jag vill…” Mer fick han inte fram mer innan Walther släppte allt och satte en tygbit i munnen på honom som han knöt bakom huvudet.
”Jag gillar dig mer när du är tyst, det vet du väl” morrade han lågt och drog upp Ray i en stående position med hjälp av håret. Han tvingade runt honom så att de stod öga mot öga.
Walther log nöjt när han såg svetten rinna ner för Rays kropp. De glansiga ögonen sa honom även att han gjorde något rätt. Det svarta håret klibbade mot pannan och de röda ögonen lyste, om möjligt starkare än innan, som två prickad i den dunkla källaren.
Varulv, som han var, lutade sig Walther fram och slickade Ray över kinden, nöjde sig inte där, utan fortsatte ner och lämnade hänsynslösa bitmärken i en rad längst halsen och ner mot ena bröstvårtan. Han sög tag i den, lekte med den med hjälp av tungan och kände hur den styvnade i hans mun.
Ray gjorde en ansats att säga något, även med tyget i munnen, det var inte särskilt svårt att prata genom det, även om det mest blev ett mumlande.
Walther tittade upp på honom med mandelformade ögon och suckade djupt, irriterat.
”Verkar som att jag får stoppa något större i munnen på dig.” Walther slet bort tygbiten och tvingade ner Ray på knä. Ray satte sig lydigt ner även om det inte var han som var hunden av de två jämnstora pojkarna.
Han gapande villigt och tog emot den stora kuken Walther använde för att få tyst på honom. Han hörde Walther kippa efter luft när han Ray lyfte de hopbundna händerna och masserade hans pung, medan han sög den, för honom, enorma kuken.
”Ta det lugnt” Hörde han Walther säga, vi är inte i närheten av färdiga. Ray kände smaken av en försats på tungan, han njöt av den, inte alls som han trott. Det smakade inte hund, inte heller luktade den hund. En sensation inte helt olik från blod, men en helt annan tillfredsställelse. Med betonggolvet skrapandes mot knäskålarna, slickade han och sög om vartannat.
Walther hade egentligen velat slå Ray blodig med läderpiskan, men eftersom det verkade vara omöjligt att göra det utan att Ray läkte på några sekunder försökte han komma på något roligare, medan han kände den kalla munnen runt kuken, huggtänderna lätt skrapandes mot huden tunna, känsliga huden.
Svällkroppen dunkade och gjorde det svårt för honom att koncentrera sig, han kände hur magen åkte in och revbenen poppade ut så fort Ray kom åt det känsligaste stället.
Han tvingade upp vampyren på fötter med hjälp av håret, han hade aldrig trott att det där svarta kråkboet skulle komma till någon nytta, men det visade sig vara väldigt behändigt i situationer som denna. När de ännu en gång stod med ögonen mot varandra började Walther suga på Rays underläpp, stoppa in sin tunga i Rays mun och känna smaken av sig själv.
Svetten rann ner för ryggen och han började känna sig otålig och extremt kåt och då menade han kåtare än han varit innan.
”Ryck sänder repen” Viskade han i Rays öra och bet tag i örsnibben.
Ray slet genast sönder repen och kände friheten i armarna. Han placerade dem runt Walthers nacke och tog ett smidigt hopp för att fästa sina ben runt varulvens midja.
Den där hundlukten som han stört sig på så många gånger tidigare fanns inte där längre. Han pressade sig närmare och kände den mjuka huden tryckas mot hans egen. Sådär mjuk som en hundpäls fast utan att vara särskilt hårig.
Ray kände ur glidmedlet Walther använt tidigare rinna ner för låret och han gjorde honom mer tänd. Kuken bultade och bad om beröring, desperat gned han den mot Walthers mage och plockade upp kulorna som låg på träbänken.
”Snälla…” utbrast han och tryckte dem i handen på Walther som log mot hans mun.
”För din skull”
Det sved till lite, men inget obehagligt, inget han inte kunde stå ut med. Det gjorde nästan det hela skönare, när Walther tryckte in dem, för att sedan dra ut dem igen. Helst hade han velat ha Walthers kuk i sig, men det verkade få vänta, även om hans egen kuk var desperat, i behov av något slags frigörande.
Walther drog ut kulorna en sista gång, sätter ner Ray på golvet och tryckte ner honom mot träbänken igen. Han särade på Rays ben med hjälp av ena foten och satte händerna på Rays höfter. Med en lätt stöt tryckte han in kuken i Ray. Sanningen var den att han inte orkade vänta mer, inte Ray heller. Det syntes på honom. Medan han stod bakom honom, tog han ett tag om Rays skaft igen och började runka honom i takt med sina höfter.
Det krävdes inte mer än ett bar stötar innan Rays rygg krökte sig, spändes och skakade en aning.
”Jag…” Hörde han Rays darrande röst och han log för sig själv.
”För all del” Sa han och precis i den sekunden spändes hela Rays kropp innan den slappnade av och säckade ihop över bänken. Walther var inte långt efter och kollapsade över Rays rygg i några få sekunder innan han drog sig ur och hoppade upp på bänken. Han var tvungen att sätta sig ned en stund.
Ray stod kvar, lutad över bänken och andades tungt med håret slickat mot huvudet.
De satt hemma hos Maria, i den trånga lägenheten, Walther, Ray, Maria och Maggan.
”Så ni kommer överens nu i alla fall” Sa Maggan hoppfullt och tittade från Walther till Ray.
”Det skulle man kunna säga” Sa Ray och sneglade på Walther som satt en bit bort.
”Och du har inte kallat honom hundjävel?” Maggan lät misstroget med Ray skakade bra på huvudet.
”Om han gör det, har jag ett bra sätt att få tyst på honom” Walther log retsamt mot Ray som baja höjde ögonbrynen en aning och nickade
(Skriven av Johanna, en fan fiction av två av mina straighta karaktärer Walther och Ray)
The light of mystery! - Part 7 {English}
She looked long at the little heart she held in her hand. The men had made a quick work for her and in just a few hours, they had retrieved a little girl.
The girl with the thin, brown hair, stared with empty and lifeless eyes up in rock ceiling. Claire looked for a long while on the heart, which is still trying to pump blood, and slowly, she looked at how the pumping slowed and became completely still in her hand.
- "You know what to do!" She told them. Two of the men in leather addresses nodded, bent down and picked up the lifeless girl and walked away with the body. - "You can invite Ron!" She shouted after them, and very soon, Ron stood behind her, a slightly surprised.
Being living in a cave, is in today's society abnormally. But he said nothing, but looked at the strange woman in a red dress. She had picked up a small bottle which she held in her hand. In the other hand she held the girl's heart and squeezed it.
Very soon she filled the glass with blood from the heart and threw the heart into the fire. It hissed and soon came the smell of burning flesh.
She turned to Ron, put the cap on the bottle and licked off her finger, which was bloody. Ron was disgusted to see her taste the blood.
- "I have asked you to come for a reason," she began, and sat down at the table where the cauldron was boiling. She had just gotten started with a second batch of brew she was working on. - "For I will help you get back the memory you lost!" Ron started to laugh.
- "I can not say I lost any memory. I remember everything that happened!" He laughed and stood in the middle of the stone floor of the cave, with his hands in his beige work pants.
Now it was Claire's turn to laugh.
- "Oh, I know you've lost your memory. What's the last thing you remember?" She asked him. She had now wipe the blood from her fingers with an old rag.
Ron thought for a moment.
- "The last thing I remember was that I was walking Mr. Kembells dogs in the woods." He said after thinking for a while. Claire smiled and stood up from the table.
She stirred into the cauldron. Three circular motion to the right and three circular movements to the left. She looked down into the cauldron, and smiled again.
- "You will remember everything when I'm done with you!" She looked up at him from the cauldron. She could see that Ron gulped, but made no ledge to run away. He was curious. - "I will give you a drink, it's going to hurt for a while and give you a splitting headache, but everything that happened a few months ago, will come back! And when you have your memory back, I have a task for you "She smiled and walked away from the cauldron and to a shelf that stood on a chair at the entrance to the third and final tunnel.
She picked up a clear bottle with a black and sticky content. She gave the bottle to Ron, who looked suspicious, and content, that looked like black slime. He grimace at it.
- "Drink!" She told him. Ron opened the cap and looked a long while back on the contents, before putting the lid back on.
- "No, I will not drink that!" He said and gave the bottle back to her.
- "Well, you are going to drink it!" She said without accepting bottle. Instead, she looked long at Ron, looked him in the eye. Ron, who made eye contact with her, removed the cap, brought the bottle to his mouth and drained it upside down. The black sticky substance, ran slowly out of the bottle and into his mouth. Two large lumps he got in himself, before Claire looked away from his eyes.
Ron came round from the hypnosis, she had just done to him and started swearing and spitting. He put two fingers deep throat on it, to throw it up, he just drank and swallowed.
- "There is no point attempting with that, it will not work. It will remain and be absorbed by your body!" She smiled and sat down at her boiling cauldron.
Ron gave up the attempt of trying to vomit up the black, slimy substance he had just swallowed. Instead, he started a cold sweat and got a tension around the temples.
He put his hands over his head. In his mind, it was played up scenes of what happened a few months ago. He started screaming and threw himself on the uneven cave floor in stone. The pain was unendurable and there was nothing that could ease the pain.
Claire sat at the table and watched. She made no effort to help him, she had warned him that it would hurt.
From the tunnel, into the third room, came Mr. Sand up to them, drunk.
- "What the hell is going on? I'm trying to sleep!" He slurred and stood wobbly next to Claire.
She did not answer him.
If only she had something she could give him so he stopped drinking. She pointed instead to the floor where Ron, still lay down and tried to get away from the pain, by crawling.
- "What is he doing here?" Wondered Mr. Sands and sat down on a chair next to the cauldron. Claire ignored him.
Ron continued to scream and lay in a fetal position on the floor. In his mind, proceeded scenes to be played from the last few months. When it finally came to the end, where he lost his memory, he saw the image of a girl in red hair, brown breeches and a red ride west. The last thing he saw, was how he had stuck the knife into her stomach, and then how he had been beaten by the boy Derek before he lost conscious.
With the seizure of the body, he felt the pain from his head, disappeared and thumping against his eyes moderated. He was all wet with sweat and shaking like a leaf.
Ron closed his eyes for the moment, but the only thing he saw was the redhead girl and her terrified face. Behind her, he could see Emma with Derek, but all of his focus was on the girl with the red hair.
He sat up and put his head between his legs, the nausea came shortly after.
- "Do you remember everything?" Claire asked him. She stood beside him and looked down at him, straight in the back. Ron nodded.
- "Good, then you know maybe what happened and what your last memory is?" Ron nodded again and started to stand up. He stood bent for a while with his hands against his beige work pants, before he finally straightened up.
That Claire saw, was not the same man who before, who laughed at her and looked generally surprised. Now she saw a man, who got back twinkle in his eye. - "As was the last thing you remember?" She asked him again.
- "When I stuck the knife in the belly of a red top!" He said frustrated between the teeth. Claire smiled, her job was finished.
- "That was good, because I have an idea that will suit you great!" Ron smiled back at her. During his smile revealed a row of yellow and unbrushed teeth.
At last there would be some excitement around here!
The light of mystery! - Part 6 {English}
Me and Chiara watched as the carriage drove away Valedale lake. Kirk was on his way home to Linnea's parents, without Linnea.
We turned back towards the lake, the police had cordoned off with their white and blue plastic strap. The police were everywhere and stopped us from entering the area. Linnea's body was somewhere, but where? They did not know and we did not know much about what the officers talked about and planned.
I had a police officer who interviewed me about how I found Kirk and where. I was even asked what I was doing up there at the lake, all alone, with an empty backpack. It's not the easiest thing to explain to a police officer, I was sitting up here and worked on strengthening the hearing. He accepted, with some suspicion, that I rock climbed. Not one of my best ideas, but for me it was good enough.
Students around us stood and holding each other and cried. They complained that they have not even seen that Linnea and Kirk was gone.
How can you even do not notice that someone is missing? Chiara got hold of my arm went away with me, away from the array of weeping students. Avalon had followed, like a faithful dog. Stood up in front of us, with his face facing the lake.
- "Are you going to lecture people because they mourn Linnea?" Muttering Chiara at me and let go of my arm, when we came away from the collection.
- "But they should surely notice that someone is missing?" I growled. I was still annoyed. The only thing I wanted was to go home. I would need a shower and clean clothes.
- "And we would have noticed the same thing? If it had not been Linnea who disappeared, we would not have noticed that someone has disappeared. Then, we do not live at the vineyard anymore, what happens over there, we have nothing to do with anymore! Accept it and act like a human being! "She sighed, she had a red swelling around her eyes, after the tears she cried for Linnea, but she chose quickly to keep up hope that someone would find her alive.
Linnea was a good friend to us and even though she never remembers that I owned Sasha, we found each other's friendship again. Which was a pure luck, Alicia Kembell was back on the vineyard, just as mean as usual and the first thing she chose to victims was Linnea.
During that time, I felt not good, to put me in, but to see Alicia and hear her last name, gave me the courage to knock her down and clawing her face. Which I should not have done, but I was angry, sad, confused and tired.
It was the same reason I chose to move from the vineyard to Valedale. I needed a fresh start and get away from the vineyard, where all the feelings and memories remained after him and everything that happened.
The Baroness had not been so happy, neither on my behavior or that I chose to move, but she was a sympathetic old woman and accepted my choice. She gave me a hug and whispered in my ear and wished me all the best. She had looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and I have been trying since then to understand what she meant. She, like everyone else, should not have to remember what had happened. Everyone's memories were erased and washed back, like an old cassette. Me and Aideens patron was the only one who remembered what had happened.
I bit my lip as I looked at Chiara. Avalon turned slowly towards us. He had hideth his face under the gray cover.
- "I'm going home!" I mumbled low and began to follow the uneven way home.
- "Emma!" Shouted Chiara after me, but I kept walking. I could not stand to see her cry, Avalon's watchful eye and then look at police work, if they found Linnea, living or dead.
She stared into the fire, blazing up in a flaming dance. It crackled and sparking opened the stone roof. In her hand, she spun a blade of pure silver. The handle of the knife was shaped like a dragon, as from the mouth, threw up up the blade. The knife blade was sharp and had a beveled shape. She let the tip of the knife eraser touching the wood of the table and spun it a few turns. From the knife tip, it was ugly scratches, in the already scratched table.
Inside the cave, there were three hidden tunnels leading to three large rooms. She sat in the center tunnel, where there were two different tables, a campfire, as always, was in flames. At the table she was sitting at, which is terribly unstable. But the table was just something she hammered together in a few minutes. Mr. Sands, who always sat with his bottle and drank instead of trying to help.
She had not done anything in weeks, nor, it had walked past some kid either since the last.
She tore her eyes away from the fire and looked towards a bubbling cauldron. It contained just water now. She had managed to complete the last brew, but she needed three hearts before she was fully completed them all. She sighed.
Mr. Sands was resting in the third and final tunnel, after drinking too much, again.
The man in the black leather outfit had come up behind her and leaned against her ear.
- "Really?" She smiled and looked into the fire again. - "How much closed off is it?" She asked him.
- "The whole Valedale lake is surrounded, no one gets in or out of there." Claire laughed, wonderful. Now it would take several weeks before they could get a new heart.
She continued to stare into the fire.
- "The body? Where you hid it?" She asked him.
- "The body is burnt up and the ashes are thrown into the Hidden Dinosaur Valley. No one will be able to find it." Claire was happy. Removing a body was not difficult for these men. They knew exactly how she wanted it and fixed it.
- "We need to heart. Fix one for me, young girl with a young heart. Bring whoever you want. I'll figure out the other two." She smiled now. It was not hard for her men, to find the girl for her.
Before he went away, Claire took hold of his leather attire. He turned toward her.
- "You got it, the other two will have pick up another person for me. I need him!" She said with a wry smile. The man in black leather dress nodded and disappeared. She would need his help now. The idea she had, would strike fear into the kids. For two of them would be very helpful now, especially when one of them had Aideens Light within.
Claire's laughter echoed through the small space of the cave.
I step into the house, which I thought would be empty, but instead struck the aroma of carrot soup straight up in my face. It smelled good but bad at the same time.
I came into the kitchen and it was Elisabeth who was standing in the kitchen and looked down in our gut flush stew. She lifted the lid and steam the carrots and onion scent knocked out of the kitchen.
- "Hey Chiara!" She smiled when she saw me. She had just lifting a spoon to taste the broth.
- "Hi Elizabeth!" I smiled when I saw her. - "How did you get?" I asked her.
- "Emma let me in. I've got such a nice crop of carrots and thought to invite you to soup." She smiled. She did not have to bother to come and invite us for soup, but free food, thank you, I never refuse.
- "Do you have a carrot country?" I asked, even more surprised.
- "No, I bought a bag of carrots when I visited Jarlaheim earlier today. I was not allowed to buy, because it was horse food apparently. I had to lie up a story in order to buy them. So, fine carrots should not be spilled out on horse stomachs! "I laughed heartily at her.
- "You may call Avalon and ask him to come over? There will be quite a lot of food and it is enough for him!" I nodded and went to my room that lay beyond the living room. Our living room did not look so much to the world. Dark green and boring wallpaper, there were only three windows, one on each wall and pointed in different directions outside. A worn out brown couch in old cloth and a small black table, we bought cheap out of Baroness. The only light we had was a floor lamp that stood to the left of the brown couch. I turned off immediately to the right and went into my little room.
The room was so small that I only had room for my 90 bed and a nightstand.
I undressed off my wet clothes and they got me clean and dry sweatpants and a too big snuggle sweater. It was nice. It is uncomfortable to walk around in wet clothes.
I picked up the phone and called the number to Avalon. He was really unlucky to have the phone near him, for I had to call a few times before he finally managed to find the phone and answer it.
- "Hey, Elisabeth serve food at our house. Come now and no protests." I said and hung up before he could answer me.
Avalon came to the house at ten minutes after I called, wearing more casual clothing. Dark jeans and a red tank top, revealed during his well-trained belly. I smiled when I saw him at the front door.
He came in and bent down and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled and answered it.
In the kitchen, I could not help but disgust the smell of the carrots, but I ate anyway to be nice. The taste basically it wrong on either, but it almost tasted musty.
Elisabeth and Emma talked as usual about Aideens light. Avalon sat quietly beside me and dipped the bread in the soup. I noticed that he looked at me and I smiled and took a spoonful of soup.
- "What is Chiara? Are not you hungry?" Wondered Elisabeth, who looked away from Emma, who slevade up more soup in her bowl.
- "Well, I'm really hungry, but I have no appetite. I think I'll go to bed." I smiled and stood up. I bent down and kissed Avalon's head before I went in to my room, I lay down on the bed and felt that sleep came faster than I thought.
The light of mystery! - Part 5 {English}
It was really refreshing to stand in a hot shower. My wet clothes, I had hung up on a chair down in Avalon's kitchen. He still had not come home, wherever he went with Emma? I took the opportunity to go into his house and take a hot shower.
Water's warm rays, got the cold from the rain to evaporate. The steam from the hot water gathered in the bathroom, and very soon I felt like I was in a steam bath. I turned off the water and took me a towel and wrapped it around my body. I sat on a gray and boring stool that stood in the bathroom and smeared my legs. Even Avalon nursed his body. Body lotion that smelled roses, though it was my own as I snuck in with.
Avalon had not yet seen it. I smiled, taking care to rub all over me. I picked me a nice clean towel I used to wipe my red hair. Worst of having thick and red hair was that it almost never dried. I could walk around for hours with wet hair before it was dry. I had tried with the hairdryer, but I got the longest standing in the three quarters to get it dry. For Emma, it took only a maximum of ten minutes before her brown hair was dry.
I was still trying to digest that she has dyed her hair brown.
I remember that we were shopping at Silver Glade village and when I turned around, after standing and talking to myself for ten minutes, she was gone. I called her on the phone and she did not answer.
I could not leave the village because we had traveled here together in her rickety car. I chose to put myself outside the baker's cafe and I sat there for an hour until a girl with brown hair with blonde highlights sat down opposite me. Took a while before I saw who it was that sat down. Emma waved her brown hair and smiled. It was the first time I saw her smile. That smile I saw before today, was the second time.
After that, I have to look for a girl with brown hair and blonde highlights. I shook my head, got up from the gray and boring podium and opened the door from the bathroom. The steam flew out upstairs but evaporated instantly.
It was when I was coming down the stairs, I saw in the corner of my eye one of Avalon gray covers. I backed up a step and went to the door where it was hanging. This was torn and tattered. I knew it all too well. He had this coat that evening on the platform a few months ago. I ran a hand over it.
It was the same night as Avalon kissed me twice. But it was also a day that almost cost me my life. I winced and put my arms around me. In one of rock's tears I could see an old blood stain that does not come off in the wash. I fell down on squatting and the scene played out in my mind. I shivered and felt my stomach turned inside out.
I stood up again. I was stronger now, and I did not show myself weak for anyone. Not even for Avalon or Emma.
I turned around and walked down the stairs in wood. When I landed on the second to last step on the stairs, I turned back and thought back to the hood and smiled. I had no other change of clothes with me and I had no desire to pull on my wet clothes again. I bit my finger and cleverly turned and hurried up to the first floor again.
Avalon opened the door to his house and shut the front door slowly with a prolonged sigh. On a hook next to the door he hung up his gray and worn shoulder bag and hung up his sword and scabbard. When he got off his shoes, he finally looked up. I stood against the door frame in the living room, I'm in his gray broken cover. The hood hid my face, but he could clearly see that I smiled from underneath there.
- "Welcome home!" My voice became suddenly sensuel and inviting.
- "Chiara? What ... What did you find it?" Avalon did not feel comfortable at seeing me in the broken cover. It contained too many emotions for the both of us.
I pulled off my the cover hood and looked up. My red hair was still wet and hanging down over my shoulders and soaked down the hood slightly.
- "I had no change of clothes with me." I smiled shyly and straightened me up. Avalon shook his head and went into the kitchen, without a glance at me. I went after him and stood at the entrance of the kitchen. - "What would I do then? There was locked in the house and it's Emma who has the key., It was just your house that was unlocked." I told him.
I discovered at that moment that his nice white tank top had a shade of red and his nose was swollen. I rushed up to him and turned his face to me.
- "What happened?" I exclaimed, horrified at how his face looked. He smiled and took my hands away from his face. He drew his hand across my cheek.
- "A little battle with Emma as usual., She received a direct hit., It was my fault, I was not attentive enough." He said and smiled again. Happy enough to see that I can worry about him. I have not bothered when he and Emma have fought with wooden swords. It was always Emma who got beat up and always came home with bruises, while Avalon survived without any scrubbing wounds. I laughed heartily at it.
- "How nice, I thought it was something else!" Avalon's smile disappeared and he stared at me. I still smiled and continued to laugh at him.
- "And that means?" He asked, a little surprised, he thought it was a bit rude of me to think otherwise.
- "I thought you'd encountered someone from Dark Core, but it was just Emma who gave you a smack, then it was nothing! Right?" I smiled and looked at the ruined tank top and sighed. - "Do you know how expensive this was?" I grumbled and got him to take it off.
He stood behind me, without a shirt and just in his dark green trousers.
- "Want some tea?" He asked. I nodded and walked out of the kitchen and to the first floor and threw down the top the tank in a bucket with hot water and bleach. Luckily the tank top was white. The chlorine can do a lot for one, which remove stubborn stains on white clothes. - "Chiara, the tea is ready!" I heard Avalon shout from below the kitchen.
When I came down the wooden stairs, I felt the scent of herbal tea up my nose. The pungent scent of pine needles and moss. I sighed inwardly as I sat down at the kitchen table and drank of the muddy tea. Now I wished that Avalon had honey at home or a lump of sugar. Sweetness would probably kill the taste, or make it worse.
I circulated with a silver spoon around the tea water and looked at the remains of the tea, which circulated in the bottom of the cup. Around they went and gathered together in the center of the cup.
- "How are you, Chiara?" Wondered Avalon. He had seen that I was staring into the cup. I put down my teaspoon and drank the disgusting tea. I could not help but frown at the taste.
- "It's nothing!" I said as I pushed away the tea. Avalon brought his cup to his mouth and drank the tea, without frown. - "Where's Emma anyway?" I wondered because Emma did not came with Avalon home. Had she gone home to us?
- "I left her off at Valedale lake., She is doing an exercise that will take a while to master., She comes home when she passed by it!" I laughed scornfully. Emma sitting alone somewhere around Valedale lake and meditating.
- "What is she going to learn?" I asked curiously. Avalon put down his empty cup.
- "She's learning to reinforce three of her five senses. Currently she practices at the hearing." He told me. Avalon had stopped keeping things hidden to me. Although some things, just touched Aideens Patron, Avalon talked about it to me anyway. He knew I was in one way or another, would find out about it!
We sat in silence for a long time. Outside it was still light and the clock had just gone over two o'clock in the afternoon. The sun shone high and warmed up properly. Where there had been puddles after the rain, was now a thing of the blue and the flowers lifted their petals to the sun and swallowed up all the energy that the sun came up with.
I stood up and walked over to Avalon. He had been sitting opposite me but turned against me.
- "What should we do? My clothes are still wet and I can not get into my own house!" I smiled teasingly at him. Avalon, who was trying to look serious, could not help smiling at me.
- "What do you have in mind?" He asked and moved out of the chair and I sat down in his lap and put my arms around his neck, looked into his blue eyes. Someone with dark black hair should have had a completely different eye color. Brown or green, but despite that, I always drowned in his heavenly blue eyes. Avalon pulled his hands over my thighs and stopped at my waist. I leaned forward and carefully massaged my lips against his. He answered it and shoved his tongue in my mouth and our tongues met each other. - "Chiara" He mumbled against my lips.
- "Yes?" I replied. His hands had gone inside the gray cover and the along the my bare thighs.
- "Have you no underwear on you?" He asked when he could finally tear away his lips from mine.
I laughed and bit me in the finger teasingly.
- "I told you that my clothes got wet after I was out riding!" I smiled and pulled him close to me again. Avalon got up from the chair. I threw my legs around him, not to end up on the floor, while he moved us into his bedroom
Jerk! Moron! Fucker! Shouted inside my head over and over again. I want to beat the shit out of him. Crack each little bone he had and then feed him to the wolves in the Golden Valley ridge.
It was downright hopeless to even attempt to turn off all the feelings I had. I wandered up and down for half an hour now, mostly to calm my nerves, which screamed of frustrations. Every little muscle in my body hurt after our fight. I would probably get new bruises on the old. I laughed, if nothing else, I got a hit in the nose at Avalon.
I laughed out loud to myself before I threw up my hands and gripped the air and imagined that I strangled Avalon.
Calm, calm now. He does this for your own good. I sat down and talked with my brain, which was my only companion now. I sat in a tailor seat, breathed deep breaths and tried to turn off all the feelings I had around my heart. I blinked at the sound of something that fluttered beside me. I opened my eyes a little and looked at what was bothering me.
A lemon butterfly fluttered past my ear and into a flower near me. I shook my head and took another breath. Clear away all fears, feelings and sounds. Let nobody interrupt you when you are trying to listen. It was difficult, very difficult. For as soon as I closed my eyes it was always Derek's face I saw. They dark brown eyes and brown hair that always looked naughty. I smiled again and imagined his face in front of me. Without knowing it, I had fallen asleep.
I woke up quickly when I heard the sound of clattering hoofs, echoed against the rock. I stood up quickly and looked at my watch. It was six o'clock in the evening already. I hurried to put on my shoes, rattled out the stones from my bag and was about to hurry away, when a brown and dirty horse stayed above me. Our eyes met. I could hear myself breathe. The horse snorted and stared at me, it made no attempt to run away, but on the contrary. It went down to me. The horse was fully equipped with saddle and bridle, but incredibly dirty. It must have wandered a long time here. I knew whose horse it was, could not be mistaken whose.
I picked up the phone from the backpack and hit Chiara's number. The signals rang and I came to voicemail. I hung up the phone and called her again.
Now she replies.
- "I hope I'm not disturbing you in your fun!" I grumbled at her as she giggled in the background and tried to talk to me. - "Have you heard anything from Linnea Lately?" I asked her pungently, to drown her giggling.- "Huh? Linnea? No we have not heard from each other in several weeks, why do you ask?" She wondered, as I could hear her voice to change and unrest grew up in both of us.
I looked at the brown Arabian horse that hung the resting with his head, glad to meet a reliable person again.
- "Chiara, you will never believe what I found!" I cleared my throat a little. My throat hurt and I was about to burst into tears.
- "What? Who? Who have you found Emma?" Chiara Burst out to me.
- "I have found Kirk, dirty and fully equipped!" My voice failed me a while before I cleared my throat. - "Without Linnea!" I leaned forward against Kirk's dirty fur.
The spirit offspring - Del 2!
Curious, she looked at how her brothers splashing around in the clear stream and styled for the younger mares that grazed on the side of the creek, pretended not to see them. Moon Spirit was on the other side of the creek and watched with curiosity. Her mother had forbidden her to go near the creek. She stomped impatiently with the small hooves. Her mother grazed a little bit away from her, but had her eyes open, to keep an eye on her inquisitive daughter.
- "Why can not I be there?" She asked her mother. Shivering Leaf looked up from the grass and down on her sons, who splashed the water around them. She rolled her eyes and came up next to her daughter.
- "The stream looks to be peaceful and provides a peaceful cool right now, but a stream has its dark days. It can last with it a darkness of sorrow at certain times of the year. This time is either secure or insecure. We can never know what the creek wants from us. "Explained her mother for her. Moon Spirit, which was still very small, had a little hard to understand her mother's way of talking to her. Shivering Leaf is a very wise mare and has had many foals after themselves and all have inherited her wisdom. Aside from the latest two sons, who jumped around in the creek and splashed the cold water on the young fillies.
- "When do I get to play in the creek?" Wondered Moon Spirit, without to tear her gaze away from her two older brothers who are now chasing young the mares down to the creek and invited them to play.
- "When your father comes back!" Laughed Shivering Leaf and nudged on her daughter, and they both began to walk away from the creek edge and into a more secure place.
Moon Spirit still could not let it go. She wants to be like her brothers. Playing and splashing around in the creek. Instead, she was hooked by her overprotective mother, who had continued to eat of the green grass.
This year, the herd had luck with the weather. After the recent rain had contributed a lot of water and green grass had just started to grow up, to the flock to dine off. Moon Spirit poked in the grass with her little hoof and sighed low of boredom.
There were no other peers foal for her to play with. Everyone was a few months older than her and they were allowed to play in the creek.
- "Mother, how is it that my fur is white and not black?" Once again got Shivering Leaf reside with the eating to answer in a further one question from her daughter. She smiled at her daughter inquisitiveness.
None of her other foals, was never like this inquisitive. But, she could understand why.
- "Moon Spirit, you were born under the spirit big blue light and you were born to do something great with your life." She smiled and took a bite out of the grass.
- "Like what?" She continued ask her mother. Shivering Leaf laughed, stopped eating and stood beside her daughter, who was lying down on the grass with her eyes fixed to the the creek clear blue water.
- "I can not answer this, my friend. What the spirits have planned for you. I can not answer this. When the spirits need your help, they'll show up." She smiled and looked at her black sons who stood at the edge of the creek and ate.
- "How do I know if I meet a spirit?" She asked again. She had let her eyes from her brothers, to watch her mother.
- "A spirit may look different. Another horse, a squirrel, a mouse, maybe an eagle! All the spirits look different and you will never know for sure who encountered!" She explained to her daughter.
Shivering Leaf leaned down and put the front legs under her and ended up in the lying position, next to her daughter.
- "But, that's why my hair is white? A spirit chose the color for me?" She asked, uncertain and moved closer to her mother.
- "That we can say. You see, in this world, we borrow only the energy from the spirits and that one day we must return it. But the energy we give back, can also give new life and bring happiness to other accidents. "She explained to her daughter.
Both mother and daughter looked at the creek that ran through the valley and at the ditch, along the the creek, there grew up handsome young birch trees, shrubs and flowers. From each flower wasps jumped and gathered nectar to their hives and butterflies that sucked up the nectar.
Moon Spirit was trying to keep up with what her mother was talking about, but she had her eyes focused on something else, which appeared. Some foals rushed by toward them. Shivering Leaf just looked up and foals changed direction immediately.
- "If I should contribute something to the world, what could it be?" Moon Spirit looked up at his mother, who smiled and rolled her eyes.
- "I can not answer, my inquisitive daughter. But I know one thing, when you add something to the earth through a spirit, you will be rewarded with a desire. The desire remains throughout life, until one returns their energy and leave your life to make room for a new one. "She explained to her inquisitive daughter, who finally lit up and started to stand up.
Above them were the older mares in the herd, moved a little on them and a strong, muscular black mustang stallion came forward. He began to trot across the stream and stood beside Shivering Leaf and his white daughter.
- "What do we say about playing a little in the creek?" He asked his daughter. Moon Spirit, who waited long for this moments, jumped big jump and galloped after her father, who had already got down to the creek.
Shivering Leaf remained up in the meadow and watched how her stallion and daughter playing together in the clear blue creek.
Sound of a broken heart! - Part 10!
On the brown little table, I had succumbed to both me and Walther. I felt we needed to talk about our future plans. If nothing else, I needed to tell him what's going on around us.
Maggie never said anything about that I could not tell him, so I guess I should tell him?
I put up two of my finest red wine glass on the table and placed two white candlesticks with a respective candles in the candlesticks. I lit them up and backed away. My kitchen was pretty small, but sufficiently large to accommodate a table and three chairs.
On the table lay a white cloth, a little larger that covered the larger surface of the table, with a beige runner straight across on the long side, in the middle of the table. Opposite was the 2 plates with set a knife and fork side by side. In addition, at the kitchen window, stood on a vase with 3 white gerbera flowers.
On the edge at the left on the plates, it was a grilled and sliced up roast beef steak with roasted root vegetables. Walther's favorite dish.
I wiped my hands on a clean kitchen towel and hung off my red apron with white dots and a slight ruffle, the cabinet next to the refrigerator and turned my back against the kitchen table.
Well, it looked good. It got to be so.
A light knock on the door made me smile and I walked past the living room / bedroom and into the small hallway and to the front door. The bell on my door did not work, because I have not had time to ask my landlord to come and fix it. If people wanted something, did they have to knock on the door. It was less annoying than listening to how people are calling like crazy on the doorbell.
I looked out the peephole and saw a large man standing outside in a dark blue suit. I unlocked the front door and opened it.
Walther was a very strong built man. Broad-shouldered, and very long. Square face, with a sharp jaw line. The eyes are almond shaped, like when he smiled narrowed the almond-shaped eyes and crow's feet shaped corner. Eye color was dark brown and thick dark eyebrows.
His nose was straight and well marked.
The lower lip was slightly fuller than the upper lip. Walther had a striking likeness to Vin Diesel, who happened to be a favorite character for me.
Walther had known it during our first date and had after that, shaved his brown hair, for my sake.
He held up a bottle of wine, Clos du Mont-Olivet, with a smile. I smiled and moved me from the doorway. Walther step into the apartment and bent over me and pressed his lips tenderly against mine.
- "It smells good!" He said and gave me a hug. I smiled and embrace him. He smelled just as good as the roast in the kitchen, if not even better.
- "Hope you're hungry for roast beef!" I smiled and kissed him again. Walther began removing his jacket and shoes, while I went into the kitchen and tried to open up the cap on the bottle.
Unfortunately I had to submit more modern corkscrew, than such a corkscrew where I have to crank it down by hand and then pull it up using a pair of "arms". No, instead I had I a corkscrew from the 80s where I bolts down by hand and then get to use my upper arm muscles to pull the cork.
Last time I opened a wine bottle with a cork was many years ago, I ended up buying these when I dropped the wine bottle on the bench. The bottle cracked and caused a red wine explotion throughout the kitchen.
I bolted down the corkscrew and tried to smooth show that I could do it without his help. Walther came into the kitchen. He wore his white shirt and a red tie. He smiled when he saw me.
I smiled nervously and silly. I must look like a fool who is struggling to get up a cork. I stretched out over the bottle to him. He took it, pulled the cork screw and with a plop, the cork came up.
I was reminded of my gym membership, which lay in hidden compartments in my purse.
The dinner was nice and tender roast beef. It melted in the mouth and was incredibly juicy. Sometimes I succeed to good, with my dishes.
We had talked for a while and I had told Walther what Maggie told me early today.
He spun on the wineglass, when I talked to him. After I explained what happened, we sat in silence for a long time. We said nothing to each other, without listening to the sound of our breath and the sound outside, which was slightly hidden. But to hear the cars driving past on the E4 highway, could not avoid hearing.
Walther cleared his throat and sat up more in his chair. He pushed aside his wine glass.
- "Have they thought about finding out what they want?" He asked me. I shrugged, I did not know more than what Maggie and Ray knew.
- "I do not know!" I whispered to him. Unconsciously, I had also started to spin on the wineglass. The red wine created small waves in the glass, before the surface, where perfectly still.
He leaned back in the chair again. The candles had burned down to half way and the clock was ticking on and beat just about eight in the evening.
I sighed, a little too loudly, for Walther had looked up at me and our eyes met.
- "What did Maggie say'd about the ring?" He asked suddenly. I cleared my throat and felt that I started to smile.
- "She took it very well. She just wants my best you know!" I bit my lip and looked up at him, behind my short bangs. He was still smiling, and he started laughing suddenly. - "What are you laughing at?" Now it was my turn to ask.
- "She is a bit special ... your relative. For none of your other relatives I have encountered, have behaved as she does." I rolled my eyes. Margret's behavior has never been acceptable. But I have done everything I could, as she has tried to separate me and Walther.
- "You forget that she is not human!" I countered. Walther took the wineglass to his lips and sipped the red wine and placed the glass down on the table again.
- "I know! But her behavior is not acceptable. I do not know what to do to get her to like me more." I could understand his frustration. He has not lived with her. But he should probably understand why she did not like him.
- "It's pretty obvious why Margret does not like you." I started and stood up. I needed clearing tables. Walther stood up. - "No, sit down. I'll tell you a bit more for you, how this situation is. I is not been fully honest with you," I opened the tap and rinsed the plates and cutlery and placed the dishes in my white countertop dishwasher. I wiped my hands on a tea towel and leaned my back against the bench. - "Margret is from the very beginning, from England, late in the 1700s. She was blind when she was born and was constantly courted by her family and her three chamber maidens. It was a pretty tough time. And Margret alone, learned how she could survive without her family oversight. But she made it invisible. Usually during the night time, when her entire family was asleep. she sneaked out to get to know the ground with their feet and take lessons from the vibrations. "I smiled silly at the idea. I loved this story and it has been passed down to me from my mother. And that was transferred to my mother from my grandmother.
Now, my mom was old and I was big enough to be able to continue to take over responsibility. - "Anyway. So they came to the day that her brother had courted one of Margaret's chamber maidens. There was a mighty poor age and her brother's fiancee, was supposed to be betrothed to an older and richer man. But, on one way or another, he had managed to persuade her parents to let her marry him. "Walther was leaning forward on the table and his eyes were directed at me. I loved to watch him listen to me and with such passion.
- "The day of the wedding came and everything went as planned. It was a beautiful spring wedding, just when the apple trees drop their blooms. Not that Margret could see that, but what her chamber maidens have described it to her, so she guessed that it was very beautiful. and the party went on late into the midnight and early morning. "I knew how miserable I was. This particular part of the story, was also one of the most toughest thing to talk about, even for me. - "It was in the morning, as her family discovered that Margret disappeared and never was she rediscovered again. No traces were after her.
It was so, that Margret herself swept off the tracks with the help of Ray, who is her creator. Margret could see with her own eyes and with both joy and sadness.
Pleased to see the faces, rather than having to know with her hands. The grief was to see how her family suffered hard on her disappearance."
I took a short break, breathe and tried to maintain control of my emotions.
- "Margret was not able to look at how her family suffered and did what she could do. When her brother had their first child. A girl. And the day before her 18th birthday, appeared Margret for her. And told her history, as I now tell you. and what she wanted help in the future. Margret and Sandra became good friends and Sandra promised to be quiet and keep the secret about Margret. and she did. Sandra never revealed anything about Margret, until the day when her father, Margret's brother, became ill. Sandra's mother had passed away six months before. And it was time to do something for her brother. "I smiled and wiped away a tear. This time I could not resist, letting a tear slip past.
- "Sandra had, in one way or another, managed to get the whole family to leave the house, even her own family. Just so that her father would meet Margret, in secret. When Margret came into the room, laughed her brother first and asked if he was dead. But, he quickly realized that he had not died. Sandra stayed in the room and stood at the foot of the bed, while Margret, sat down beside him, took his hand in hers and smiled. the orange, curly hair and her smile. It got her brother to realize that he was not dead yet. "I looked at the Walther, who still listened intently. I had not told you this bit for him. I had not even mentioned it.
- "He suffered a slight shock, but also powerful enough to be able to sit up and hug his little sister. Laugh, feeling her cheeks and then see that she could see him. That night, her brother fell asleep with a smile on lips, and he left the earthly life peacefully. after the incident, has Margret's secretly gone over to every female relative after her brother. that Margret is so overprotective, because she always have guided all of her relatives' conditions. selected a candidate that can suit us . the two of us, made it without her help, until you got to meet her and she revealed to you, that you're a werewolf. Apparently, she felt right at your scent that you were not an ordinary man. "Walther smiled and leaned back in his chair.
- "I felt her scent with, but there is nothing I will let come between us." He said and raised his arms. He had before dinner, folded up their sleeves, so I could see his strong and well muscled forearms.
- "No, not you, perhaps, but she is. Werewolves and vampires have not directly been pals. In the past it was a great battle between you, it was somewhere in the mid-1800s. None fun war and after it, you have two individuals, hated each other. now you do not see much of any of the races. Margret, Ray, Elise and Kit are the only vampires here around Sundsvall and Njurunda. Until now, for one night ago. There has been new vampires and none of them have demonstrated a friendly behavior. Margret think I'm in danger of including them and you."
I found myself spinning the engagement ring, looking down at it. Everything Magret learned and taught us, has gone completely off her Regulations. I bit my lower lip.
Walther had stood up and stood in front of me.
- "That explains a lot, about her behavior." He smiled and put his hands on my hips. - "Has she no other relatives after her brother?" He asked curiously.
- "Well, Sandra had a little brother. But something happened during that time and no one has seen her brother. Not even Margret knows where he is. So, I'm the only closest relative she has, or who knows her history. My mother, but she is too old to be able to help her if something happens. "I replied after a moment reflection. I know my mom mentioned this to me a long time ago, but I did not have in mind to tell someone.
We do not know what happened to him or where the rest of the family is and he is not included in our directory as a relative.
Walther's hands, which had just been around my hips, had automatically passed down to my butt.
- "My hips sit further up!" I smiled and put my hands on his upper arms.
- "It's a better grip down here," he smiled teasingly and bent down and pressed his lips against mine.
He put his hands in mine and we walked out to the living room and he started up the music in my CD player, which fortunately had a disc in already.
From the speakers it spread a calm tone from Westlife.
- "Never Thought That I'd be so inspired. Never thought that i would find the higher truth. I believe that love was overrated! 'He began to sing while we swung around on the floor. With my hand in his and my other on his shoulder, we listened, danced and sang to Something Right. A beautiful song and well designed by the Irish boy band Westlife. It was this song, which was played in a pub a few years ago, and it was then that I and Walther ran to each other and danced to this song. And after that, we called it our song.
- 'Til the moment I found you! "I sang with him. Although none of us hit the notes right, none of us laughed about it. Listening to the song, the dance with him and look him in the eye, was the best moment right now. And the chorus, we sang it together.
- "If you want me, I must be doing something right. I've got nothing left to prof and it's all because of you. So if you need me and baby I make you feel alive. I know I must be doing, doing somethingt right "
We laughed and pressed our lips against each other. I open my mouth a little and invited Walthers tongue to meet mine.
My left hand, which was on his shoulder, had now walked away and it was now over his neck and I pulled him closer to me. The music continued to move on to the next song, Why do I love you. Also a favorite song we had together. Although Walther was more the type who listened to Mozart or Beethoven, he accepted my taste in music.
He placed his hands down over my hips and let them wander down to my butt again. He massaged and squeezed gently.
I pulled back, got me Walther to bed and we embraced each other. My bed pillows went down on the floor, to make more room for us. We rolled around and I ended up at the top of Walther. Leaned over and kissed him and opened up his tie and unbuttoned the white shirt. Walther helped with the tie and took it off and threw it away somewhere in the apartment. I continued to kiss him, and tore up the last button on his white shirt. During revealed his perfect stomach and I pulled my hands over his stomach, before I was looking with my hands until I reached his black leather belt.
He sat up and pressed his lips to my neck and held me tight against his body. His hand had found its way up under my burgundy blouse and his hand found what it was looking for and cupped over my breast and massaged tenderly and carefully. He removed his hand and began to unbutton the ridiculously small buttons on my blouse and I just had my black lace bra. He kissed me on the lips, before his lips wandered on down and stopped just outside the bra and very tenderly, he bit lightly on my one nipple stiffen. I could not resist that moan and leaned my head back in pleasure.
He unbuttoned the bra and my breasts just appeared in front of him. Small and fast. He put his mouth over one nipple and sucked slowly and let his tongue play a little teasing with them.
I had let my hands went down in between us and I had coaxed up Walthers trouser button. Then everything happened so fast, because I was suddenly on my back in bed and was about to pull off my black precipice cane pants. Walther helped to pull off those tight pants. I now lay half-naked in front of Walther. Under I had a pair of black lace thong, which I bought specifically for Walther.
He laid down on me and we started kissing each other more intense. I raised my legs up and put them over the hips at Walther, while I meanwhile, pulled down the zipper and could seamlessly with my legs, pulling down his dark blue khaki pants down to his knees on him.
- "Here we were smooth!" He laughed against my lips. I laughed with him.
In the air, in the small apartmentrose it up a sweaty aroma of lust.
Our underwear was tossed somewhere in the apartment and Walther had just descended upon me, and he pressed his manhood into me.
A tingly feeling of pleasure, spread through my body and I could not control the shaking.
The CD disc continued to play on different songs from Westlife, and just at this moment, came the song Amazing. And this moment was more than just amazing.
I and Walther looked into each other's eyes, until he began to move, and with slow movements, went his manhood in and out of me.
The air was filled out with our heavy breaths and a smell of sweat and salt spread.
He pulled out his manhood and leaned over me and pressed his lips against mine.
- "Turn on your stomach!" He asked me. I hurried to turn me around. Not the easiest considering how much pillows and blankets I had in bed. But after much shilly-shallying, I managed to get on the stomach and I stood up on all fours. Walther leaned over me and easily penetrated his manhood into me again. His manhood was the perfect fit and he slid in and out with ease.
The feeling of ecstasy spread through my body. I fell down against the pillows with my butt still in the height for Walther, who continued to penetrate me animalistic.
- "Walther" I whispered between the supported area. - "I will come!" I continued to whisper and stifled my groans against the pillows.
My words echoed in the small apartment and the new songs were played back from CD. Walther took in more and very soon we reached an ecstasy together. I stifled my screams in the cushions while Walther raised his head towards the ceiling, and squeezed out a howl from the lips, and fell down on the bed next to me.
We breathed heavily and laughed. The CD disc had started from track one and the more rocking song, When you looking like that, come on.
- "How I'm supose to leavde you know? When you'r looking like that?" Walther sang with the song, leaned over me and kissed my lips tenderly.
- "I do not wana live my life witout you!" I said shortly after and we looked into each other's eyes again.
- "Neither do I!" He answered me and lay down next to me again and held me. I could not imagine life without him. He would become a part of my life, a part of our life, part of my and Margret's life.
The light om Mystery - Part 4!
I Avalon and walked up the hill behind his house. I was carrying a backpack that was way too heavy. It felt like I was carrying heavy rocks. Avalon went before me and himself had a frayed gray shoulder bag. The rain poured down from heaven, and we just went up. He said something that we were going to Valedale lake, but more than that he did not say. I had no idea what we would do there. But we just continued on up the road and to Valedale lake. Along the edges of the road, the water trickled down like a waterfall and out of the woods. It had been formed as small streams.
I stayed for a while and tried to get away my brown hair that stuck to my face.
- "We continue!" Avalon was a bit up the road and waited for me. He was wearing dark green trousers in soft cotton and a white tank top. I sighed and started to go up after him.
- "Maybe you can tell me why we do this?" I asked him and put the backpack better place on the back.
- "I think we need to enhance your strength, which is why we get up here." He said and continued to walk.
- "You do not think we could have gone to a gym then?" I muttered. The rain continued to pour down on us. Avalon did not answer, but we kept going until it finally went down and we followed the path down over the small bridge before we came to Mr. Anderson.
That was not there. He had gone into the little house that stood next to horse transport. Black smoke came out from the little chimney. I stopped and began to drop down the backpack from the back.
- "We're not done yet, we're going up the mountain!" Avalon said, and continued further away to the bridge over the lake. I sighed irritably and continued after. The little path up the mountain Firgrove was anything but smooth and straight. It was steep and curvy. You could never know what one would encounter around every curve, which had hidden turns.
When we arrived at where Mrs. Moorse used to stand, he began to go down over. I had not much to say but to follow without protest. Have we come this far, we might as well continue.
He stops when we went up a hill and then down again. There we stopped in the middle of a mountain and the trees, stood a hidden place with rune stones and high growing green grass. The place I have never seen before, honestly I did not know that one existed. The rain had subsided and around the place, including the rune stones, the flowers bloomed and it was life and movement among them. Even a little wind went by before it disappeared.
I dropped the backpack on the ground and heard the jingle from the bag. So he had pushed the heavy stones in the bag. I looked hard at Avalon, who looked long over the place.
- "We're here!" I played the hand to my mouth in irony.
- "No way!" I said and sat down. I was just so sick of Avalon, who planned lot of things with me. Everything had been so easily if he let me alone.
- "You do not seem so happy, I thought the rain would cheer you up!" He said, kicking off his tennis shoes.
- "No one is happy to be in the rain, whatever, I never liked the rain!" I muttered sourly. I was wet and had no clean clothes with me.
- "Chiara like the rain!" He pointed to me.
- "Yes, but then you could well have gone with her!" I snapped and laid me down on the wet ground. I could not be more wet than I already was. Avalon sighed and sat down next to me.
- "I want to teach her, but I feel that if I teach her, it will just go to her head., I do not want to see her fight for her life once it comes to that!"
- "So, when she tries to fight for her life, which she can not because she does not know how to defend herself. How does that sound?" I wondered, looking up in the clouds. Avalon where quiet and none of us said anything for a long while. The sound of the wind that swept past the trees, the only sound we had. Not even a bird chirped.
- "Why am I here?" I wonder, and took a deep breath. The scent of the forest always smelled good after the rain.
- "I'll teach you to enhance any of your five senses. Touch, smell and hearing!" He said and stood up, stretched, and then went up to his gray worn satchel.
I sat up and looked after the him.
- "I am aware of my five senses, why do I strengthen them?" I asked, somewhat curiously.
Avalon took out his sword. I stood up quickly. I had nothing to defend myself with if he would start a fight with me.
- "You need to develop them, in order to get by in a battle, where they are attacking from different directions., I have had the benefit out of it and I think it's time that you learn how!" He said, and threw the bag down. I do not understand how he could fit with the sword in the bag. He tied the scabbard and sword around his waist and turned toward me.
- "Strengthening the senses requires a calm mind and harmony. This is why we are here, in this place you will find such harmony and the force is strong here., What we'll start with the easiest. Hearing." He walked up to the runes and stood in front of them, turned and stood with the body against me. I listened and watched to see what he did. It looked ridiculous.
Avalon closed his eyes and stood very still. In a long time he stood completely still and I could see how his eyes twitched a little, in concentration. Then he brought his hand up above her head with such incredible skill, that I had no time to react to what he grabbed. He opened his eyes and lowered his hand and opened it. I could see that something jumped around on his palm and soon flew a butterfly away from Avalon and to a flower.
- "How?" I was speechless. I did not even see a butterfly around him or above him.
- "Strengthening hearing requires a technology that only a few in this world are capable of. With Hearing technology, you must learn to lock out all other sounds, feelings and fears. And then find a kind of peace." He looked at the lemon butterfly, who jumped on to nearly flower and looked for nectar.
- "But there's nothing you learn in a day. Each of these senses will take their time to learn, but once you've learned them. Only then can we think of anything else." He smiled. Think about other things?
- "And what did you mean exactly by that?" I wondered curiously and stood up. Avalon's smile disappeared and he curled iffy on it. He had made a fool of himself. I laughed and wanted to tear off my hair.
- "I knew it was something like this., You learn all these tricks for me to learn to master Aideens light., I never think to take back the power!" I screamed, my voice echoed among the treetops and over voted in the cool wind. The sun shone on strong and warmed up the place we were standing on. I shook my head and turned around and started bringing go from there. I just wanted to get away from here.
- "Where do you think you're going?" Avalon's voice called after the me. I did not answer him and continued walking up the hidden path.
A branch snapped behind me. I turned hastily, but Avalon did not come after me. He was not even behind me. I looked around for him, but he had vanished without trace. I gulped and started to run away.
I saw how the land came quickly against my face and I saved me from smashing into the mountain, just before I hit my face on the rock. Someone had kicked me in the back so I went ahead. The anger grew and I stood up and hit after air.
Avalon, appeared invisibly behind me and twisted my right arm behind my back. The pain was horrible. I did what I could with my free left arm, I hit around me. Avalon was fully prepared for my movement and took hold of my arm, holding it tightly and twisted it behind my back also. He held me in an iron grip.
That's when I found out how Alex had done on the platform. I took the power from the legs and tried to rip me off by throwing me backwards. Avalon must have predicted it and was holding up.
I felt how I got angry and threw back my head. Direct hit. Avalon released me and piled back and held his hand to his nose. I ended up on my knees and stood up again and looked back at him.
I laughed, gloating that I managed to hurt him. Avalon took his hand away from his nose, the blood dripping down on his white tank top. He smiled and he pulled the sword from its sheath. I sighed resignedly. I had nothing to defend myself with, and it was unfair that he was fighting with his sword. I had not had time to get that far yet. He took a step toward me. I backed away automatically.
I chose instead to continue to run up on the hidden path. The feet disappeared from under me, and once again I hit the rock. I spun around and ended up on my back and saw that Avalon had jumped towards me, with the sword in the highest high. I closed my eyes and heard the sound of the sword struck the rock beside me. Slowly I opened my eyes and looked at the sword that shook after its blade passed right through the stone. I looked up late at Avalon's face.
He sighed and then sat down beside me. The blood continued to drip from his nose and on the mountain top tank he had, were already destroyed by the red blood. A tank top, as Chiara picked out for him a few weeks ago.
- "Well done!" He said, and lay down. I sat up and looked down at him. Well done? - "And yes, even if you refuse Aideens Light again, we accept it. But I want to teach you enhance your senses to give you something you might find useful., You heard before that I disappeared but you could not see me. I was behind you all the time and yet, you could not hear me, nor could you feel with your feet or on the smell. "He said and struck his arm over his face and tried to breathe normally. - "I want to help you defend yourself!"
We sat quietly on the rock and listened. I bit myself in the lip and hid a brown cap behind my ear. He was right, although I refused Aideens Light, it could not hurt to learn how I can defend myself.
- "What should I do then?" I mumbled and pulled my legs up to me and looked down at him.
- "You'll sit there among the runes and listen and learn to block out all other sounds." Avalon pointed back at the site among the runes.
- "How long?" I wondered.
- "Until you manage to master the sense of hearing!" I gritted teeth.
- "It takes forever!" I growled and stood up. Avalon grabbed my wrist and pulled me down on the ground again.
- "It will take some time! Just as well you start now so you will be ready!"
- "I will get sick, I'm not going to stay here all night!" Avalon laughed at me.
- "It's summer. Night is warm., You will not get sick!" He smiled and looked out from behind the arm. I stuck out my tongue at him and sat sulkily beside him. That it would cost so much of my young life having to subject myself to this torture. Avalon stood up and extended his hand towards me. I took it and got up. - "Go down, take your shoes off and sit in the middle. That's all you need to do and try to turn off all sounds, feelings and fears. Fears are things that scare us, such as your past incidents. Emotions are something that always govern us, you must forget to remember and listen. Each sound you'll keep out those who are closest to you. wind and the hum from the treetops. Could you do it? "He asked. I dropped his hand, nodded and went down to the location of the rune stones. Avalon came after me and picked up his worn shoulder bag and shoes.
I sat down and threw the shoes aside. Avalon began to walk away.
- "Where are you going? Whu are you leave me here alone?" I shouted after him. He turned around.
- "Close your eyes and thought about what I said!" He waved his hand, turned and left me alone. Once I mastered the art of the sword and defeated Avalon, I'll throw his sword in Silver Song River after this. Jerk!
The Spirit offspring! - Part 1!
It was a chilly night in the city of Edmonton and I and two of my friends decided to make a night ride across the prairie.
This particular night we had a big full moon that lit up the open landscape for us.
It was also this evening, as we in the middle of the open landscape, including desert and mountains, we ran into an indigenous people.
Her name was the White Falcon. She had set a fire under one large stone, which actually looked like a large cave, in the middle of the prairie. The White Falcon was a blind woman, with long white hair, with a silverglanss. But even though she was blind, she told me that. she had heard us nowhere and had meanwhile warmed up coffee for us. White Falcon used her feet to see and could move freely across the prairie without feeling vulnerable.
We sat down with her. She drummed on an old Indian drum, which she made herself and she started told a story.
- "I was born during the lunar time. A time when a large moon would bring new souls into our world. These souls would seek out a spirit, and the spirit would bring them to their new life. In the great light of the moon, had a another lively soul being born into the world. "She said to the beat of the drum type.
With the moon light and the rhythmic drumming, the evening was magical and the fire blazed up in a harmonious dance along with the sound of the drum.
- "This happened about 60 years ago. Just like this night, my tribe sang about how the spirit embraced the souls and helped them to their new host. When I was born, you could hear the crane song, wolves howling and the power from the creek near us sang a song for the spirit and thanked him for having given us new life and new hope. "White Falcon began humming an old tune. We listened with strained ears and drank the warm and good coffee that she brewed for us over the fire.
- "This night, was born a roan mustang. A spirit offspring." She smiled and tossed with silvery, old hair and continued to drum on the drum.
- "Ghost offspring would bring happiness and peace to our tribes who were at war with each other. The only time we had peace, was under the big moon's transmigration. This spirit offspring, was born into a flock of black mustangs. A group of wild horses that were impossible to tame, but who was also a holy tribe. No one could successfully capture or tame these horses and their strength together, protected them every individual. also, the spirit offspring, born roan with silver loops in the man. This spirit offspring, would help those souls, to find a path to serenity and peace. This is the story of Moon Spirit. "
In the old tales, from the inhabitants, one usually hear stories of a flock of black mustangs, who ruled over the prairie, and that the flock was loyal and fought for survival.
No one has ever told a story from a horse perspective, since no one has bothered to do it. The white falcon told us, was the story of how two of spirit souls found each other and created peace between the natives. The fire crackled and snapped and danced to the song as the White Falcon sang about the story.
Moon Spirit was born on the night when the moon is at its highest in the night sky. White and large and put a blue light over the Edmonton prairies.
At her side was her father, who was the leader of the pack and guarding his mare from predators. In the distance stood his two sons and took the rest of the flock with watchful eyes. Moon Spirits mother, Shivering Leaf, fought the contractions and very soon, it was over and she could finally sit up and look at her beautiful creation.
Moon Spirits father, Black Bullet, looked down at his daughter. What they both had expected, was a black foal with a broad white blaze. But instead they looked down on a roan mare with silver loops, which also tried to get up quickly on rickety and unsteady legs.
- "Roan?" Said Black Bullet somewhat surprised, no one would have thought that it would be born a roan mare among them.
- "The great moon must have big plans for her." Her mother smiled and licked the foal clean.
Black Bullet looked up at the starry black sky. Every little star blinked and dropped tears for the newborn foal. Moon, who smiled at his creation, sent an even brighter light on the earth, against the black mustang herd and with the help of moon light, got her daughter's silver loops, glittering to a bright light.
- "She will be a danger to the world and she will need a lot of protection." Said her father to her mother. She just nodded and looked down at her beautiful daughter, as yet, does not know what she would accomplish in the world.
Sound of a broken heart! - Part 9!
For if nothing else, it would have been great if Walther was with her. But what I understood of Mary, he may just come home to the apartment when I'm not going to stay home.
We sat in her kitchen. At her brown antique kitchen table, which was sensitive to heat and cold. In her hands she held a white round cup in porcelain. From the cup, hovered vapors from the black coffee she drank. On the table in front of both of us, it was a brown glass bowl with fruit. Two bananas, four apples and a lone green kiwi. In front of me, on the table, I had a white plastic cup with a lid and a straw. From the little straw, I could see how it stood up vapors.
Mary had warmed up blood for me and filled it up in a place mug.
She sipped the hot coffee and put the cup down on its own coasters.
- "Well, what was it you wanted to talk about? It sounded very important on the phone." Mary looked at me when the question, I waited for, finally arrived.
I picked up the plastic cup and brought the straw to my mouth. The blood came into my mouth. The sweetness of pure fresh blood was too overwhelmed and I drank some more. This blood tasted much better than the one I tasted the night before. I put down the cup and wiped my mouth with the gray and worn sleeve of shirt.
- "Well," I began nervously. I had not put so much thought to how I would explain this to her, about what we intend to do. Or how long we would be gone. - "Me and Ray have been thinking ..." gee, why would be so hard to explain this to her?
Mary leaned back in her brown chair, placed her arms across the chest and waited for me to finish my sentence. She looked up to the clock that hung above the TV in the living room, behind me.
- "Well, me and Ray have been thinking about that ... move away from here a few months." I mumbled too fast to Mary to keep up with.
- "Would you stop rambling and get to the point?" She sighed at me. I bit my lip gently and looked down at my fingers intertwined.
I used to be the strongest of us and take over the leadership role. But right now it felt the opposite.
Leaving Kvissle village and perhaps never to return? I have over 200 years of guarding my family and let my secret go over to each daughter, and then it has remained so. Now maybe I should leave this behind me and start all over again.
Mostly to get away from them who hunt Rayanas.
- "Margret, is there anything that has happened, you must tell me!" She leaned forward again and picked up her white porcelain cup. I sighed, of course, she needed to know.
- "Me and Ray ran into trouble early yesterday afternoon in the city. Someone attacked Elise. That night, these unknown asked Elise where Ray was. And what we have known, through an old photo, it seems this nobleman, who disappeared 400 years ago. and probably the same man who bit Ray. We do not know where they are right now, but that means you are in danger for them. We are always with you and it will be marked on our scent. Best would be now for us was to leave Kvissle village, we can divert our scent as far away from you and hopefully, disappear your scent with us! "We looked into each other's eyes. Mary had the same eye color as my brother had. Bright chestnut brown eyes, which fitted well with her short brown hair. As for the majority stood on all sides and edges.
She sat still in her pajamas. Checkered sweatpants in pink, blue and white. The tank top was dark blue with a little pink pocket on the left chest.
She leaned back against the chair with the cup in her hand, which was shaking.
- "You know what they want Ray?" She asked me. She tried to remain calm, but I could see she was scared and was shocked.
- "No, their traces vanished shortly after Timra and we have not been able to track their scent. Kit and Elise should keep their eyes open, especially Elise." I continued. I should have bothered me more, but the only solution to this was the moment to move from here.
- "You do not think you need to find out more? Maybe I can help. I have recently had an assistant who is very familiar with this nobleman. If you want I can help on the side?" She proposed to me. What interested me was why this assistant was willing to learn more about this nobleman.
I lean back and drank up the rest of the blood that was left in the white plastic cup. The blood was freezing and not the slightest good anymore.
- "It would be an advantage. Rayanas refuses to tell me about this nobleman. But be careful and do not do anything stupid. Like,"
- "Revealing you? You think I'm going to do it?" She smiled and pushed aside her empty porcelain cup. I smiled, obviously she kept our secret.
- "But," she began, and became serious and to see her facial expression, I realized that this was important. - "I want you to stay at home for a while, before heading off along with Ray." She smiled and picked up the green kiwi and held it long in her hand. Long was a long time, because I did not understand what I was look at. Her smile was wide and reached to the ears.
- "A kiwi then? Should I share it for you or what?" I asked thoughtfully. My eyes looked past the kiwi and into Mary bright chestnut brown eyes, which sparkled with excitement.
She moved a little on her fingers that held the green kiwi. I continued watching the kiwi for a moment and began to memorize how it looked before I then checked the fingers that held it.
Her fingers were long and narrow. The nails painted in a baby blue hue with white tops. I looked again, until my eyes reached what looked like a gold ring. A gold ring that sat on the ring finger.
I felt myself gasped and stared at the ring, which flashed with help from the sunlight.
- "You .. You are .. When?" I took her hand in mine and looked at the ring. A beautiful gold ring with seven diamonds that were behind each other on the ring round surface.
- "Last night, inside the courtyard, around midnight. It was very romantic." She smiled while I studied the ring.
- "How can a dog do things romantic?" I said loudly and widened my eyes and looked at Mary, who looked hard at me. Did I say that out loud?
- "Now you get to begin to accept him. for that move you were talking about before, seems to be the case at the moment. We're getting married in the spring and Walther have offered me to move in to his apartment in Fine Smon!" She withdrew her hand and held it in her hand for a moment and turned a little on the ring.
- "I will do my best!" I answered her honestly. I had no choice. I would get to share my life with Mary and a werewolf.
- "You must convince Ray to, for both of you are invited to the wedding. Walther would need to have a best man, and I need a bridesmaid!" I laughed ironic and saw in front of me, standing in a pink and horrible dress with bunch of pink and thick ruffles. Flowers in my hair and a flower basket. Holy shit!
I nodded to her and smiled silly. There would be no problem to invite Ray, but it was just as well she kept the dog on a leash. I will not take responsibility if the dog starts to fight with Ray.
I smiled even wider. Mary raised an eyebrow at my goofy smile.
- "What kind of plans you plotting, you can delete them immediately!" She muttered, and turned to the coffee machine behind her, turned it off and took the last bit of coffee that was left and filled up in her white porcelain cup.
The only thing that was missing was to fill my boring white plastic cup with blood.
Sound of a broken heart! - Part 8!
I was not really that hungry. The drugged man, I just put my teeth in and ended his suffering, staring up with empty eyes. The eyes would never see the sun shine again or look at how the world changed.
Rayanas had completed another man's life, like the man, was equally drugged. The blood tasted not even good.
I wrinkled my nose at the bodies and turned me away from them. I could not look at anything I gobbled up.
- "You are very absent today!" Said Ray concern. He had lifted up the bodies and put them on his shoulders. Their weight felt like feathers against our strength. But what would I say?
I was so happy that he was home again. But, the moment he got home, it seemed that all the troubles came upon us.
We moved on us, from the woods behind Diving inland and climbed the mountain. At the top, I sat down on the edge, dangling my legs, while Rayanas buried the bodies under the mountain.
Very soon he sat down next to me and we looked towards Grum hill. The hill was too black. The only light we saw was an antenna, whose red light that blinked.
Then we had Kvissle village, as it shone from and back into the city, we could see an even brighter light.
We sat in silence for a long time without saying anything. I had no desire to talk either. I just wanted to sit here a while and enjoy the fine views. But, I needed anyway to talk about a thing with him.
- "I've been thinking a bit!" I began, my eyes were directed down towards the small lake. - "Maybe we should leave Sundsvall."
- "Why? You have your relative here?" Wondered Rayanas, a little surprised, because I was so happy here.
- "Well just therefore." I whisper. My gaze was still directed in a different direction. I kicked with my legs and leaned back and put my arms to support, not to lay me down. - "I do not know what's going on. But all that has happened, will ultimately affect Mary, and if they come at you, Mary ends up in danger. Admit it, after we've been with her, we smell like her afterwards." I looked into Ray's dark red eyes. He listened and made the same gesture as me. Leaned back and had his arms that support against the mountain's jagged surface.
- "Where shall we move then?" He wondered. Rayanas would not mind moving around.
- "England perhaps?" I smiled. - "I have not visited England since ..." I interrupted my opinion. I have not visited England since I was born anew. It's over 200 years ago.
And I have kept up with the news, it looks like everything has changed. Nothing was the same as before.
- "Italy might instead?" Interjected Ray instead. Ray was born and born anew in Italy. Italy was his home town and he visited it often, as soon as he got time for that.
- "Why Italy?" I asked him. I was more set to go to England.
- "My home town, I can every little part of Italy. City of Love!" He smiled and straightened up.
- "I thought France was the city of love." Ray laughed at me.
- "If you say so. If you're born and raised in Italy, France is nothing to brag about." I laughed softly. I had never been to France, so what can I say? It was not that I did not trust his judgment.
- "I say this." He squatted down, with the body against me. - "We can go to Italy first, visiting England and then go to France? Then we will visit three places at once and decide where we want to stay!" I was still smiling. It was not a bad idea, the question was, how long we would stay in order to feel comfortable with the new place.
- "And if none of them is something for us?" I asked him. He got down on his knees and leaned closer to me.
I lay down on the mountain's jagged surface with Ray over me. His dark red eyes looked into mine, with the deepest passion I've seen.
- "Then we'll figure out another place!" He smiled and brought his lips to my forehead and kissed me tenderly on all counts. My body trembled beneath him at his touch.
- "We could always check with Russia, Japan, China. Whatever." He laughed as he kissed my neck.
- "What are you laughing at?" Rayanas looked into my eyes.
- "Japan, they have of course people in abundance. Should not be hard to reduce the population there." He smiled and I laughed. Once again, he was right.
Rayanas pressed his lips against mine. I opened my mouth and invited his tongue to meet mine.
- "Italy first?" He asked me. I pressed my body against his, put my legs around him and pulled him closer to me.
- "Italy first!" I answered him and kissed him again and we let our naked bodies meet rock's rough side.
The light of mystery! - Part 3 {English}
Morning came surprisingly quickly and the sound of the rain that lashed against the windows, made me open my eyes and look straight up at the ceiling.
It was a long time since I heard the rain and now it fell down over Jorvik. I sat up in bed and looked at my nightstand at the clock. It was eight o'clock in the morning. I straightened up and stepped out of bed. I hope I did not have Avalon's sword lesson today, because I had no desire to stand in the rain and fighting for my life.
Inside the bathroom, I closed the door behind me and looked at the girl in the mirror. The brown hair was standing straight up and her eyes were red and swollen. I turned on the cold water and soaked down my face. The girl in the mirror looked ridiculous. She was worn out. She had an old wound above the left eye. I remember when I got it. Avalon had received a blow with the elbow straight in my face when we were practicing to defend us. I hated him so much for it and tried with all my might to give back, but no matter how I tried, I ended up always on the ground, more wounds more than the last.
I sighed, turned off the water and walked out of the bathroom. When I came down the stairs Chiara sat in the kitchen and read today's newspaper. She had put out breakfast for us both.
- "Good morning!" She smiled and put down the newspaper. I sat down opposite her and took me by a stainless sandwich and chewed on it.
- "Good morning: You did not sleep at home tonight!" I told her and reached for the newspaper. Chiara nervously pulled her hand through her red hair and looked at me.
- "No, but that may be because I felt I needed to get out of here., You sat on the bathroom all night last night and cried., I had no contact with you. It just felt depressing to stay in the house." She confessed to me and put a sugar cube in the cup with coffee. I looked uninteresting in the newspaper and pretended to read.
I got to admit a little for myself, I mostly have kept to myself and my best friend has ended up on the side of. But to train for Avalon with wooden swords and then go home and pretend that nothing has happened, at least as depremerande for me, as for her to come home.
- "If you want, you get to move home to Avalon, I can take care of myself!" I said, chewing on the sandwich. Chiara who brought the cup to her mouth, stopped and looked at me.
- "Are you sure? Because I think Avalon is not ready for that step yet!" She smiled nervously and drank coffee. I smiled. - "Hey, welcome back!" I looked up from the newspaper and on Chiara, which had begun to laugh.
- "Huh?" I wondered in surprise.
- "You smiled, I saw it!" She laughed happily. - "I have not seen you smile for months and you just smiled!"
- "No, I did not!" I protested irritably. I closed the magazine and put it on the table. Took one last bite of the sandwich and walked away from the kitchen.
- "Avalon waiting for you, you better hurry up!" Shouted Chiara after me. I stopped at the stairs, before I went up, without answering her.
I stood in the room, fully dressed in bright jeans pants and a gray, old and several sizes too big T-shirt. Avalon would work out with me again, in the rain.
Chiara knocked on my door and went inside.
- "Hurry now, otherwise he gets mad at you!" I turned towards her. She stood in her riding clothes and had the umbrella in his hand.
- "Are you going out and ride In this weather?" She smiled.
- "I think it is a bit refreshing with the rain, and yes, I'm going out and ride. Avalon had something special schedule today for the two of you!" She told me and moved on, so I could get past.
- "Hooray!" I muttered when we closed the front door on us and went out in the rain, which poured down upon us.
Avalon stood on the steps of the house and waited for me. Chiara put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me, before she went on over the bridge and went further away to the stable. Self, I took a deep breath and began to walk up the path to Avalon. I wondered what he has planned for us both such a rainy day.
It was always fast to get all the stables chores done, if one knew how to begin. I had time for much in the stable, I was now sitting on the aisle in the barn and smeared Wild Lions saddle. But I was going to ride out on Wild Madness today. It was a long time since I rode him and I can imagine that he would appreciate being out in the rain.
I laughed to myself when I started thinking about everything I have been involved with the stallion. I shook my head and finished with lubrication and went back with the saddle in the tack room.
Out in the pasture on the hill behind the barn Valedale, I cried after Madness, who raised his head from the grass, whinnied and trotted up to me. I could not stop smiling when I saw him coming up to me.
- "Hey man, what do you say about a leisurely walk today?" I grabbed his halter and began to lead him to the stable.
Despite the rain gurgles down from heaven and soaked us down, the walk was very refreshing. Madness was, for once, calmly. I thought we would ride to the apple grove and watch how the trees were in bloom.
When we almost weathered through the woods, we accelerated from trot and the pace increased again, to gallop.
Madness rose automatically on the pace when we came out of forest Valedale and would not listen to me when I tried to get him to slow down. TypicalI!
l eaned back and pulled gently on the reins, but nothing seemed to happen and Madness continued further away over the apple grove, past all the apple trees and then down towards the beach. When I realized that I could not stop him, I felt a certain irritation and kicked my heels in hand on him. That got Madness, to even run faster.
I heard someone was riding behind me and when I turned my face on the side, I got a slight shock when Apel tossed oldenbrugaren came up behind me with Derek on his back.
He caught up with us and galloped soon next to us.
- "Sit back and try to stop him!" We rode right up the road past the apple grove.
- "You do not think I've tried that?" I cried irritably to him. He reached for my reins and together we managed to stop the Madness insane incitement ride. I sighed with relief.
- "You must be careful now when it rains, in that crazy gallop, you would have easily have have crashed!" I scoffed at him.
- "You do not think I know that? And what are you doing here?" I was not inexperienced, I just have bad luck with a disobedient horse. Derek looked at me for a while. I did not know what he was thinking, but maybe something like, how I knew who he was.
- "How ..? You know who I am?" He asked, laughing nervously about it.
- "Derek Goldspur. You live on one of the Gold Spurs farms, with your grandfather Jacob. You work and he helps on the farm!" Did I say fast, I knew all too well who he was and I was not happy to see him.
- "Okay, you seem to know who I am and who are you?" He asked suspiciously at me.
- "Chiara Seabrooke., I am the best friend of Emma and girlfriend to Avalon!" I replied sullenly and rode me uneasy in the saddle.
Derek held out his hand towards me and I put my hand in his and we shook hands.
- "Nice to meet you Chiara." He smiled at me. - "You are not a spy, I hope!" I snatched my hand back and could not help but smile.
- "No, luckily., I do not need to spy to know who everyone is." I said, put my heels into the sides of Madness, which began to go back the way home to Valedale. Derek followed and rode up beside me.
- "How can it be that you know who I am, I have not riding around here before."
- "What were you doing around here anyway?" I interrupted him. He sat up in the saddle shaved.
- "I was looking for a place that I have tried to find long .. hey, where are you going?" I turned off the trail and rode down to the apple grove again.
- "Just follow me, I know what you're looking for!" I shouted after him, and very soon we came to the old fishmonger, who was behind an ancient tomb.
Derek where surprised that I seemed to know where he was looking for and looked curiously at me. I began to feel uncomfortable that he was staring at me.
- "Who exactly are you, and how did you know it was what I was looking for?" He asked with curiosity and surprised.
- "There is much more I know about you than you know!" I just replied and started to ride back on the road home to Valedale. Derek rode beside me again.
- "You seem to know a lot about me, but I hardly know anything about you." He said as we walked through the apple grove, where the flowers were released from the trees. The rain had stopped long ago and the sun shone out and dried up after the rain. I did not know how I would explain to him how I knew who he was. He would never remember it, because it never happened. I bit my lip and stayed Madness. Derek looked at me.
- "Is the name, Emma Short Road, familiar to you?" I ask him. We stood in the middle of the intersection between Firgrove, Valedale and the bridge over to the Silver Glade. He shook his head.
- "Unfortunately, no!" He replied and waited for me to continue.
- "Good, then I'll help you remember. But another day., I have to go home now!" I kicked my heels into the sides of Madness and we set off at a gallop, home to Valedale and left Derek behind us.
Sound of a broken heart! - Part 7!
- "What are you thinking about?" Ray asked me. We sat in a basement. Elise had given us permission to accompany her home and sleep over here until the sun went down. We sat in a dirty basement floor. I could not stop thinking about this man or what Elise said before.
- "It's nothing!" I answered him, when I was silent for a long time. I leaned my head against his shoulder and looked out of the basement.
It did not look so much to the world. Gray walls in concrete and in one corner were a lot of old broken bikes. I could hear one rat ran quickly up the floor, out the wall's edge. I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to sleep. I was not tired, but I needed to rest my eyes. I was so happy that Ray was back that I only wanted to enjoy his presence.
- "Or maybe it's one thing?" I admitted low to him. Rayanas, who put his arm around me, holding me close to him.
- "What?" He asked curiously. I could sense a smile. I smiled too, although this was important and not something to smile about.
- "I can not stop thinking about that Elise said before? The thing that you have seen breasts before?" I asked him. I felt that he froze before he finally relented.
- "Have you hooked up on it?" His voice was soft, but I could hear his voice had been a change. I nodded. - "Of course what she said was right, but that was before I met you. I've seen some, but nothing can beat the ones I have seen now!" He continued, stroking his finger over my arm.
I froze and clenched my teeth so they squeaked.
- "What is meant by, it's your I'm thinking of!" He laughed heartily at my jealousy.
- "Oh!" Was all I could reply, I could not let my jealousy play a big role. For Ray, I meant everything to him. We've been a couple for over 200 years and loved each other dearly. I straightened myself up and sat me on his lap instead. I wanted to look into his dark red eyes.
Ray laid automatically his hands on my hips.
- "No, this is not such a thing!" I said firmly and leaned toward him. Our foreheads met in each other tenderly, closed our eyes and sat in silence for a long moment. The only sound was our breathing and the sound of the rat who did not know where it would run. I turned my head to the side and let my lips tenderly kiss Ray's lips. He relaxed even more.
- "I do not think this should be changed between us!" I whispered low to him. My body tingled up into a lovely, lovely feeling when I kissed him.
- "It will never do!" He whispered back and pulled me closer to him.
- "Good!" I smiled and kissed him again, but more intense.
The sun had just gone down behind the Southern rock. The only thing that appeared in heaven was a shimmer of pink and orange hues and very soon, came a darkness settled over the city of Sundsvall. As soon as darkness came, it immediately became the hustle and bustle of the night people, who continued to visit restaurants or pubs.
Ray and I walked hand in hand through the square and watched the people.
We had been thinking about eating, but a bit more aloof.
I stayed Ray when another couple came towards us. Mary's voice could not be mistaken and she walked beside Walther, with their arms hooked together.
Both had just stopped working.
She stopped when she saw us. Walther looked up and saw me and Ray. We stood a long time, staring at each other. Maria and I was worried that both of our men would start fights with each other, in the middle of the square and reveal themselves.
- "Walther, maybe we should take this road!" Mary said nervously and started to go in a completely different direction. Walther stood there without moving. I stood in front Rayanas and blocked the road for Walther.
And suddenly, he broke into a hearty laugh and nervous situation we have just had, was blown away. Ray's body was still tense and ready for the attack. Walther walked up to us.
I hissed at him and backed away with Ray.
- "So you are Ray, Mary has told me about you!" He held out his hand against Ray.
Ray refused to take his hand.
Walther took back his hand and looked towards Mary, who sighed.
- "My name is Caleb Walther and I think certainly, that Maggie told you about me?" Ray nodded. He had stopped breathing for not having to feel the strong smell of wet dog.
We stood completely still, not a muscle moved. Neither we said something. It was only Walthers voice that echoed in our ears. What the fuck was he doing?
- "Walther, I think we should go to the courtyard before we go home. I do not like that here. You can see that they do not want to see us right now !!" Ray flexed his body even more and cleared his throat.
- "No, I do not mind meeting you Mary." He told her. - "I'm not so interested in shaking hands or being in the same intercourse with a fucking dog!" He muttered.
- "Walther, go now!" I growled at him. I stared at him without blinking. - "Get out of here, your fucking dog!" Walther sighed, pulled his brown hair back and turned around and went with Mary to the courtyard.
We stood a long time and looked after them. Mary had turned against me. I could see the sadness in her face and she mouthed 'sorry' before they disappeared into the courtyard. I, was still a convulsive grip on Ray's arms, before I softened my grip and let go of them.
Ray took a deep breath and took my hand in his.
- "Come on, we need to hunt!" He said softly, and we ran silently out of the city and home to little Kvissle village.
The light of mystery! - Part 2 {English}
I had left the house that me and Emma shared. She was still sitting inside the bathroom and cried. I had tried for two hours to talk to her, but she refused to open the door or talk to me.
I went to Avalon, for he was the only one I wanted to be with right now.
I knocked on the door and very soon I heard steps inside the house and he opened the door.
- "Chiara? Would not you sleep at home?" He asked, surprised to see me standing outside his door.
- "Yes, but Emma just cries and I have tried to comfort her without success. House is too sad to live in. Could I get to stay another night?" He leaned against the doorframe and looked sadly at me, before he finally moved himself and invited me.
When I came into the kitchen, the table was busy with lot of gadgets. Among other things, an old cauldron simmered and small bottles were lined on the table. - "What do you do?" I asked him curiously. He walked past me into the kitchen, made room on the table for us and took out two cups and filled with hot water.
- "I'm a little behind in my work right now. Elisabeth and I try to make new potions." He said and invited me to the table. I sat down and put down a bag of Earl Grey in the hot water.
- "What potions, if I may ask!"
- "Ask not, what we produce, we try to keep secret. Only Elisabeth I and Fripp who knows about this." He explained, and drank of the tea. I could not take my eyes off the little cauldron.
- "I hope you are not trying to produce something powerful, like, immortality elixir!" Avalon put the hot tea into the throat and started coughing!
- "Why do you think so?" I raised an eyebrow.
- "I'm not stupid! Folks around here know that we are together and I guess you already heard rumors about us?" Avalon looked blankly at me. Apparently not. I was the one who spent the most in the stables and heard all these rumors. - "People around here know that you are immortal, that's no secret. But what they are thinking about is the future between us."
- "Oh that!" He answered me and moved around in the cup with a spoon.
- "So you knew that?" Now it was my turn to be surprised. He has known about it but said nothing to me.
- "All too well do I know about that reputation." Said He short and looked at the small cauldron simmered. - "Yes, we are trying to portray this elixir, but how much we have tried, there has always been an ingredient that is missing and we do not know which." He said and sighed.
He and Elizabeth had been working for months with the brew and they were not even close to succeed. And what was missing they did not know either.
- "If you knew about the rumors, why did not you say slightly?" I asked him boldly and slightly annoyed.
- "For I do not want you to get you the nonsense and get yourself immortal!" He said to me, loudly. I laughed scornfully at him.
- "Who has given you the idea that I want to be immortal?" I asked him, slightly condescending. I did not even know if it was worth sacrificing their entire lifestyle to live forever. He reached for my hand and held it.
- "Believe me Chiara. If I could, I would never have drunk of the potion that Claire produced." He said to me and his voice was suddenly quiet and charming. But I responded to another thing and stared at him.
- "Claire? The woman from the platform? She's the woman you told me about that made you and three other men immortal!" I said upset. My heart was beating hard against the chest that it hurt. Avalon fell silent, before He nodded in reply.
- "Unfortunately, yes." He said, slightly embarrassed. He thought I had figured it out long ago. I drank the hot tea, pushed the empty cup away from me and left the kitchen.
- "I go to bed!" I said quietly and went into the living room and on into Avalon's rooms. I did not want him to see that I have been depressed. But not just because out of Claire, but only her name made me nauseous and I thought back to the platform. She had, out of nowhere, appeared and scared me to destruction. Worst of all was remembering how my body froze and I could not move.
I undressed me and put me in Avalon's bed and stared at the ceiling, a very long time, before I finally fell asleep.
I woke up suddenly. Sweat poured down my forehead and my bright red hair stuck to the neck. Avalon was still not in bed yet. He was still up and fiddled with the dangerous brew.
I stood up, pulled on a white shirt, which hung on a chair beside the bed, and went out to the kitchen. Avalon had cleaned up the cauldron. Even the table and chairs were gone. I stayed in the opening into the kitchen.
- "What have you done with the table and chairs?" I wondered confusedly. Avalon, who stood with his back to me, turned around and smiled when He saw me.
- "You look good in my shirt!" He said with a smile. I could not help but smile. I had nothing else under, except my panties.
- "I'll just have a glass of water and go to sleep again. Will you join me?" He nodded. I walked over to the cupboard and took down a glass and filled it with ice cold water.
It did me good. I dried myself around the mouth with my hand. Avalon had come up behind me and put his arms around me. Bent down and kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and turned around towards him. He grabbed under my arms and lifted me on the bench. I played my legs around him and pulled him in to me. He pressed his lips against mine and his tongue pushing into my mouth. I responded to the kiss and pulled him harder against me.
He ran his hand outside my shirt and pulled it downwards and under the shirt. His finger stopped at my scars and He rubbed his finger slowly across them. I could not help but giggle. Then the scars healed, I was extra sensitive right there and the easy movement He did made me giggle. He laughed with me and continued to kiss me.
He then pressed his finger, a little harder against my stomach. The scars pained.
- "Oh, do not push so hard!" I asked him. He was not listening, but pressed his finger harder against the scar. I felt the whole situation where uncomfortable and I tried instead get him to quit. - "Avalon! Stop it, it hurts!" I raised my voice at him and felt how scared I been! Why does he do this?
He pushed for tougher and finger pushed in through the scar. I could hear how I screamed and started beating him. When I looked up, it was not Avalon that was in front of me. It was Ron who stood and smiled an evil grin. I looked down and saw how the white shirt had a reddish color, and He pulled out a knife from my stomach. I tried to breathe normally, but it was as if the air went out of me completely.
He laughed and stuck the knife into me again and again and again. I started screaming and trying to turn him away from me. But my stroke was powerless and I felt my whole body went numb.
- "Chiara... Chiara ...." he whispered over and over again while the knife went in and out of me.
- "Avalon! Help me!" I whispered and looked at how my vision went black at the edges before it was totally pitch black.
I threw myself out of bed. The hair was stuck to my forehead and back of neck. The sweat was running down my body. Avalon had sat above me and was in shock.
- "Chiara, it's okay, it was a dream!" I was breathing still strained. The dream was so real. I held my hand over my stomach and felt through. Nothing was changed. I looked into Avalon's face. He was still in shock. - "Chiara, what did you dream about?" He had also seen that I held my hand over my stomach. - "Oh Chiara!" He sat down and held me. I put my arms around him and held a firm grip on him. I felt that I was still breathing strained, but began to breathe normally. A dream, all a dream. A horrible dream.
I could not stop myself and let the tears flow down my cheeks. I have never cried in Avalon's presence. It was so hard for me to show my feelings for someone.
He held me long before He released me. - "What did you dream about? Was it Ron?" I nodded. My voice was as dry as it felt like sandpaper. I coughed.
- "I need water." I said hoarsely. Avalon hurried into the kitchen and came back with ice cold water. I eagerly drank until the glass was empty.
- "So," he said and put the glass down. - "What were you dreaming about?" He asked.
He held my hand and rubbed his thumb over my hand. I took a deep breath.
- "I dreamed about him, yes," I began nervously, how can I describe the scene without pulling up what happened before that? As for that matter, was really great feeling, before it turned into something terrible. - "but it was the usual., it is his face that scares me because it was the last thing I remember of him. His mocking smile and revenge, I saw in his eyes." I shivered at the thought of Ron's face.
- "You need not be worried., He will never touch you again!" Avalon's words were encouraging and I smiled a little tired.
- "I know, but the nightmares about him seems to never want to go away." I said, my voice was shaking and I started chattering teeth. Avalon moved and we lay down in bed again. I lay close to him. He held me and shared his warmth to me.
- "I will never let anything happen to you again, especially what happened on the platform." He whispered as he held me. I nodded, the heat from him made me relax and very soon I fell asleep again.
Sound of a broken heart! - Part 6!
"But I've got my clothes on!" I giggled against his lips, he smiled and pushed his tongue through my lips and let it meet my tongue. I fell down on the dry woodland again with Ray over me.
"It's something we have to talk about, which I did not have time to mention this before!" He said through my lips. His hand had found its way under my shirt and he cupped his hand over my chest. I pushed him away from me.
"What kind of something?" I wondered curiously and the tingling sensation subsided. He pulled away his hand under my shirt. He stroked my cheek and looked unhappy at me. I pushed him away even more and sat up. "What are you going to tell?" I asked him again.
He opened his mouth to say something, when I sat straight up and looked through the pocket of my pants and got out a small old-fashioned telephone. A worn out one, with buttons. I looked at the screen and answered.
"We have a problem!" It was Kits voice and she was worried and not the least bit happy and spirutiel as it used to be.
"I'm going!" I answered her and hung up and looked at Ray. "We have to get into town. Something has happened!" I said and stood up.
Rayanas looked up through the treetops.
"Now? In the Sun?" He was not sure. He never ran out during the daytime when the sun stood high, even if the sun did not hurt us in the same way as the myths say, the sun would only slow us down.
"If we stick to the shadows, we should pass us into town. Kit sounded worried and it was very important!" I encouraged him and took his hand in mine. He did not smile, but pulled on his white T-shirt and black leather jacket before he then spun the red scarf around his neck and took my hand.
We met up with Kit on the way into Church Street, inside at one of the deserted courtyards, where we had found the night before Elise, who was close to eating up a young man.
Inside there, we found Kit and Elise. Kit was leaning against the stone road. Her long brown hair hung straight
down over her shoulders and she was wearing light jeans pants, with a tear in the knee. She wore a stylish burgundy top, which she ignored to snap the top button. She hid her red eyes with dark sunglasses.
Elise sat on a small wall that was inside the courtyard. She sat there and held in her left arm, where I could see a red scar that went around the shaft.
"What happened?" I asked when I saw the scar.
"Welcome home, Ray!" Kit smiled and looked up behind those dark glasses. Elise smiled when she saw us.
She was wearing a completely different dress now than the yellow dress with floral motifs. The one she wore now was blue with white dots with a hefty scoop neck and a big skirt. But the dress was torn and it held up just using the right shoulder strap. During revealed her bare skin and breasts.
I put my hand automatically over Ray's eyes, the movement got Elise laugh at me.
"Oh Maggie, you do not think he's seen this kind before?" She smiled and waved sensually with upper body. Her arm had healed back in place at her left shoulder.
"What?" I raised my voice, staring at Ray. He did not smile or removed my hand from his eyes. Elise laughed heartily.
"Maybe we can deal with it later! Did you bring the clothes?" Wondered Kit. I pulled my hand away from Ray's eyes for a second, before they were back in place. Elise wrinkled her nose in my choice of clothing.
"Trousers and an ugly t-shirt? Could not you have stolen a dress at least?" Her French accent got a twinge of sadness when she looked down at my fashion choices for her. I growled quietly inside at her. The fact that she even dared to sit there with her breasts visible in Ray's neighborhood.
"Never mind, we have a problem! Maybe Elise would be kind enough to tell me the same thing for you as she told me?" Muttering Kit and started stomping her foot impatiently.
Elise threw off her gown (thank god that I hid Ray's eyes) and revealed all his nudity for us, unabashedly. But she was the Black Widow of France, she did not care.
"Where do I start?" She sighed and looked for a long time on the pants.
"Get your clothes on maybe!" I growled at her. I still hid Rays eyes with my hand. Elise looked up teasingly and within seconds, she sat on the wall, fully clothed and dangling her legs. She giggled at us when I removed my hand from Ray's eyes.
"Bonjour, Ray!" Her voice was even more sensual when she used her French to Ray. He smiled when he saw her. I was boiling with anger that Ray fell for her sweetness. I hit my elbow in the side of him.
"Elise!" Kit hissed at her. Elise sighing, and started again.
"It happened before today, early in the morning. I would be going home to my dark and sad little corner to sleep, when five big men blocked my way. I did not recognize them on the scents because they smelled unknown,"
"Unknown man smells unknown!" I muttered to her. Elise just smiled at me and laughed.
"Of course! But this was something completely different. These were not men, but other vampires. I had never seen them before because I did not know so many vampires around here. Besides the four of us then. But, one of them stepped forward, something smaller but very masculine. "She dreamed away a little of the man she had just seen.
"He wanted to give me something in return if I could tell something to him, apparently, spread the news faster than the wind." She went and pulled out about it, about what happened to her. "He wanted to know more about Ray and actually heard that I knew where you were. So clearly it was not true, I just wanted something to mention to Maggie. I did not want her to worry so much about you."
"What did they want from Ray?" I asked. Elise reputation on her shoulders.
"No idea, when they found out I lied, They attacked me. The man ripped my arm before I finally managed to escape. I have been sitting here since then to wait until my arm healed back in place. I called Kit and told her and she called you. "
"Do you remember what the man looked like?" Ray asked her. I was also curious. What did the men know about Ray and Why do they attacked Elise?
"He had a scar on his left cheek and his eyes were really dark red, with a twinge of blue around the black pupil. He was wearing a gray and tattered jacket, moth-eaten what it looked like. Large dark boots. I could have said that he looked like Ray, but mostly because out of your eyes. I know that Ray has the eye color and you Maggie. "
"My eyes are orange, not red!" I stopped her.
"Yes, but you have that blue around the black pupil. I do not know if it's with the person who made you immortal, but it seems to be hereditary." She smiled. I did not smile. I looked instead at Rayanas. His eyes were unique and enchanting to me, but if a male running around in the same eye color. Could it be Ray's creator?
"Who knows, Ray, you might know who he is? Because he was looking for you." She smiled and leaned forward toward him.
"I know of no one with those descriptors, nor eye color. I thought mine was unique, like Maggie's." He answered her and leaned against the stone wall, and began to think. He had not seen a glimpse of the nobleman, who made him immortal. He could not really tell who it was. "Did he say anything else?" Elise shook her head.
"Unfortunately not, but his wallet may say something?" she smiled and waved a brown and tattered wallet.
"You never said you had his wallet?" Muttering Kit and tore it from her.
"You did not ask, you just wanted to know what he looked like you did not ask for a wallet!" She said, a little puzzled and continued to dangle with her legs.
We exchanged glances with each other and shook our heads. Kit opened the wallet and looked a long while at the vampire's ID before she sent
Ray, had only to look a short time at the picture before his face changed drastically. The eyes, which were dark red, got a black shade.
"Ray? What is it?" I took his hand in mine and he blinked a few times and tore away from the picture.
"Where then? Where have you seen him?" Wondered Kit and moved closer to look down on the small photo.
"The face belongs to the nobleman, who disappeared about 400 years ago!" He said indignantly. I leaned over to see the photo. Although the ID document looked like that license at any time, I could see a resemblance, that Ray had with the man.
The dark red eyes with a twist of blue around the pupils.
Sound of a broken heart! - Part 5!
Mary could not feel the wet dog smell that I did. For her, the idea was not disgusting, but more romantic. And I had to agree with her, because of all men Maria met before Walther, Walther was the only nice and great with Mary. Too bad that I refused to accept him.
Right now, we sat all three in the kitchen and "ate" breakfast. What is meant by, it was Walther and Maria who ate breakfast and drank coffee while I sat at the corner of the table and stared madly at Walther, who so clearly ignored me.
- "So, Margareta" My real name is Margret, but here in Sweden, I was taught to use a more Swedish name when I moved here. My Swedish name is Margareta.
- "I do not know." I answered her gruffly, still staring at Walther, who continued to ignore me. He was devotee to read what was in the paper, than stare back at me.
Maria, who discovered long ago why my mood has dropped sighed Supplied over my behavior.
- "Can you try to learn to accept him?" She asked me and looked pleadingly at me. I tore my gaze away from Walther and now looked at Mary. Her eyes were glossy.
- "I can not accept to live under the same roof with a fucking dog!" I swore. Walther sighed, folded the newspaper and put it on the side. He turned to me and now we stared at each other.
- "I do not want trouble! Are you going to fight, you will take it somewhere else!" Mary warned us.
- "How can I convince you that I will not hurt her?" He asked me, untouched by situtationen. I smiled.
- "Get off my territory to begin from, stupid bastard!"
- "Margret!" Maria screamed at me. My way of responding Walther was really rude and I worried about Mary. Walther sat quietly and listened to me, without getting offended that I called him a stupid bastard.
- "You have no ownership rights in one area., It's not that you were here when the village was built." I laughed at him and stood up hastily, the chair tipped over at the floor behind me.
- "I have lived here since the village was built., I was one of those who took care of the people who built Kvissleby!" I growled at him. Shall we start talking history?
- "And how many of them ate you up?" He asked me and he smiled teasingly.
I was boiling with anger and clenched my fists at them whitened.
- "Walther, that's enough!" Maria said aloud to him. Walther raised his hands and leaned back in his chair.
I turned around and I was not going to stay for one more second. A light knock on the door made me stiffen.
Walther had also heard the knock, but he was still sitting in the kitchen and looked unattractive in the morning paper. I waved to Mary, who passed by me and I asked her to look out the peephole. She nodded and walked slowly up to the front door, it knocked gently on the door again.
She swallowed and leaned slowly toward the peephole and tried to see who was there. She stopped looking and turned and looked at me.
- "There is a man in a red scarf standing outside?" She said between her lips. Red scarf? I knew there was only one person who was dressed in black and had a red scarf around his neck. I moved away Mary and tore the door open.
Behind the door stood a man. A man with black and half long hair. His face was masculine and serious. Almost like he has not smiled in a while. His eye color was dark red with a hint of blue around the black pupil.
And as always, he walked around in his black leather jacket and had always wearing black jean trousers and black addidas shoes. His eyes were directed at me when I had torn up the door and he smiled.
- "Hello Margret!" He greeted. Hello? HELLO? After all the years he been away, he has not even sent me a letter to tell how he was doing. Instead, I get a hello response after all these years.
I should be glad to see that he is alive, but I could not control my anger and my fist disappeared into his face and Ray stacked backwards. - "What the hell?" He swore and struck his hand to his face.
Well, we vampires can turn us into destruction and we also get away with a few injuries, but they healed incredibly quickly. The only thing that was impossible for us was to break bones. However, one punched to the face or other body part, it could also hurt like hell.
- "You are away for several years and the first thing you say is hey?" I hissed at him. I was shaking with anger. Lucky that the battle was not full force.
Rayanas looked at me and he knew the smell, the smell of wet dog that hit directly in his face. His face was changed drastically and the eyes that were just dark red had a black color, of hatred.
- "I think both of you should go somewhere where you can talk alone!" Mary whispered to us. I nodded. She was right, we should probably not stand here and talk, so any nosy neighbors could hear us. Then I did not want Ray would start a fight with a werewolf, in Maria's apartment.
I took Rayanas hand and we ran fast. I led him over the bridge and towards the small grove of trees that lay between Skottsund and Kvissleby. In there, as far we could get, but far from the trail, we stopped.
The sun was shining high, but crowns of the trees hid the sun, which made it easier for us to meet here, without collapsing and rotting.
Ray tried to say something, but I held up my hand to silence him. I had to contain my anger and not get a reason to knock him down again, or a tree.
- "You just have to know one thing," I began, and straightened me up. My orange eyes were directed against the Rays dark red. - "I have tried to distract Mary from being with Walther, but I have learned to accept him. Makes no nonsense, to put yourself in their lives? Okay?" I warned him. I have tried all means to get Maria to stop seeing Walther, now I realize the truth, that it would never happen. Ray nodded.
- "I'm sorry I made you worry!" He voice got my whole body tremble. It was so long since I heard it.
- "No, you're not sorry." I mumbled to him. He still could have sent a message or called and said he was okay. - "Where were you?" I asked him.
- "A little here and there., I visited my home to see what has changed and maybe see if The nobleman has come back!" He answered me and leaned against a pine tree. The red scarf fluttered when a wind from June river, swept past us. The smell of wet dog had long since disappeared and we could relax.
- "You have been looking for him for so many years. What makes you think that you will find him there again?" I wondered. I sat down on the moss and poked in the dry soil.
- "You never know, some will return to its original location after many years. Others let it go a few generations before they return." He said with a shrug and looked down at me. I refused to give him so much as eye contact.
- "True, but for both of us, there is nothing to return to., I do not understand why you insist on going back every time." I sighed. I could not help but to look up at him.
I had almost forgotten what he looked like. The body was masculine and manly shapely. Wide shoulders, narrow waist with six-pack, and then the thighs, musklösa and wide. A young Mikael Persbrandt, I could not help that I stared at him for a long time. Ray had sat down on the moss opposite me and we looked long into each other's eyes.
- "What have you otherwise been doing?" He asked, his dark red eyes smiled. I rolled my eyes at him.
- "You probably know already all too well what I have done!" I murmured and leaned towards him. Our lips met in a kiss gently.
I sat up on my knees and leaned over my body against him. Penetrated my tongue through his lips until it bumped into his. Ray moved his hands down over my waist and placed them over my firm butt and pushed me harder against him. I could not help but groan when our bodies pressed against each other.
I fell down on my back with Rayanas over me and his hands had eagerly sought under my shirt and cupped his hands over my breasts and massaged them with light and smooth movements.
While our tongues continued to play with each other, had my hands coaxed up the belt that held up Ray's trousers and unbuttoned button. With practiced hands, I had felt over the bump, Ray groaned and tore off my thick hooded sweatshirt and revealed only my upper body and my breasts, which were in size 70B.
Ray had bent forward and his lips massaged and licked around the nipple and teased it. He stopped and moved up the lips and kissed me again.
I sat up and ended above Ray. I tore off his jacket and white t-shirt, he was wearing under, went by too. I leaned forward and kissed his chest and down his stomach. I continued kissing down until I got down to his pants and pulled them down. When I pulled down the boxers Shorten, his manhood standing straight up. I had never been so interested to suck someone because I think it gives me icky vibes. But with Ray, I felt that I could do it, but only for him.
My little mouth, grabbed hold of his big limb and slowly went my mouth up and down his manhood. Ray groaned and beat, put his hands to his face and tried to smother his screams.
Would be nice if a human came by and saw us having sex. Candy and sex always worked well together. Rayanas body trembled at my touch and I let go of his manhood and moved me up to his lips. In pure zeal had Rayanas stood up and pulled me up from the ground.
I had threw my legs around his waist and trying to retain. With his organ pressed against my stomach. Ray pried loose my legs from the waist, while he eagerly tore off my jeans. He lifted me again and pressed me against the tree. I felt the butt against the tribal uneven surface and between the shoulder blades. Feeling when he forced his way into me, made me moan loudly and I leaned my head back against the pine bark. The back of my head hit the hard surface of the stem, but I did not care about it. All I could think of was that the heart hammered against my ribs, and he slid out of me, only to slip back again, in a tedious slow motion.
The warm breeze caressed our bodies and brought with it the scent of pine needles and forest. Cautiously I opened my eyes and saw the sweat running from Ray's forehead and down the neck. His sexy eyes made me cling to him tighter. Put the nails in his well trained back and bite him in the shoulder.
Ray began to sing,
You wanna blow my wistle baby let me know, girl I'ma show you how to do it and we start real slow.
I laughed at him. He knew what would push me going.
I groaned again and we both felt that we were ready to burst out in a long ecstasy.
- "Ray," I whispered against his ear while I put teeth into his neck. The blood pulsed in and out of my mouth and ran down over our sweaty bodies.
When we grace ecstasy together, pulled our bodies together, we stifled our cries, biting at each other's shoulder, before our sweaty bodies finally relaxed. Ray lay down next to me and I put myself above him. He was breathing heavily and had closed his eyes. I was breathing just as wild as him, but kept a good tone while I drew a finger over his chest.
Ray opened his eyes and his dark red eyes looked into mine.
- "Welcome home, dear!" I smiled before I kissed him tenderly and laid me down beside him.
Sound of a broken heart! - Part 4!
He released her shoulders and placing his hand over her shapely butt and got her into an alley below the park. Here on the street, at this time of day, never walked people anymore. He opened up a black gate into the back yard that was completely deserted. He swung around the little girl in the yellow and floral dress and pushed her up against the stone wall while he eagerly kissed her, pulled up her dress while trying to rip off his own pants. The girl giggled and let him be. She really had other plans than what this young guy could expect. In pure zeal, ended his pants down on the hocks, his hands fumbled over her small breasts. Inexperienced guy was. He groaned before he even had time to do something and the body pulled up into a kind of ecstasy.
- "Are you finished already?" Said the girl with a French accent. The guy gasped while he pulled on his sticky pants. The girl looked innocent, that he had already come, but smiled anyway. The guy looked up at her. Her smile reached all the way to her ears, and among her white teeth could now see the fangs. - "My turn!" She smiled at him. The guy, who until now realize what was happening, began to scream. The girl silenced him immediately and had success jumped and landed on the young boy's shoulders and choked his screams with her cold hands. The guy tried in every way to throw her off, but the girl was strong, very strong and remained seated on his shoulders. The young and inexperienced guy went forward to his knees, and instead tried to crawl away from her.
The girl corrected him, slid down and put her legs around his arms and held him. She stroked her finger across his neck where she could clearly see how the carotid pulse vehemently. For her it was a lovely sight. She pulled her tongue over the vein and placed over the teeth.
- "Elise, how long will you torture the poor fellow?" The voice got Elisa smiling and looking up from the young boy. She saw a tall woman in a burgundy jumpsuit and long brown hair and she was wearing black pump heels. Beside her stood a little shorter woman, in a gray hooded sweatshirt and blue jean trousers and black tennis shoes, so out of fashion. Her red hair flamade by the fall of darkness. Their eyes glowed red.
- "Kitty, Margret! So good to see you!" She said with a sweet French accent. The boy beneath her was still trying to scream through her cold mouth. Elise shushed him and stroked his cheek with his finger.
- "Do not call me Kitty!" Kit growled irritably. Both she and I had just arrived in time to clean up after Elise. We had luck on our side to get up extra early before it once again would be headlines on tomorrow's papers.
- "But I like it more than Kit, then you might as well call you Keith!" She smiled and stroked her hand over the neck of the boy.
- "But I like the young blood., It tastes much better than the old troll blood." She sighed Supplied and ended up in the boy's arms and looked into his terrified eyes.
- "Elise" I growled at her. Elise shrank a little and dropped out of the boy and took her hand away from the boy's mouth. As soon as her hand disappeared from the boy's mouth, he started to scream again. I hurried forward, put my hand over his mouth and looked into the boy's eyes.
- "You'll never remember us, we do not exist. You came here with the whore and you should now go back to the square and share your experiences with your friends. Understood?" The boy's pupils had expanded when I talked quietly with him. One advantage was that we could hypnotize our victims and have them never to remember that our kind existed. That's why no one suspected that vampires exist.
The boy went back to normal and left deserted courtyard and went back to the square. I sighed and turned to Elise. The girl was extremely small. But she was firm growth in a 16 year-old's body, and that was why she had it so easy to trick the young and inexperienced boys. Among other things, give them a treat before she killed them. She went under the familiar name of the black widow from France.
- "I was so hungry!" Elise sighed and jumped up smoothly on an old wooden barrel and sat down.
- "You can take a homeless I saw before., He sits and begs money at a resturant engines. He is drunk and making a quick end to his suffering and for God's sake, do it with style!" Kit said to her, without Sempati for the poor and begging man. Elise was disgusted by the thought of eating a begging man.
Sound of a broken heart! - Part 3!
He released her shoulders and placing his hand over her shapely butt and got her into an alley below the park. Here on the street, at this time of day, never walked people anymore. He opened up a black gate into the back yard that was completely deserted. He swung around the little girl in the yellow and floral dress and pushed her up against the stone wall while he eagerly kissed her, pulled up her dress while trying to rip off his own pants. The girl giggled and let him be. She really had other plans than what this young guy could expect. In pure zeal, ended his pants down on the hocks, his hands fumbled over her small breasts. Inexperienced guy was. He groaned before he even had time to do something and the body pulled up into a kind of ecstasy.
- "Are you finished already?" Said the girl with a French accent. The guy gasped while he pulled on his sticky pants. The girl looked innocent, that he had already come, but smiled anyway. The guy looked up at her. Her smile reached all the way to her ears, and among her white teeth could now see the fangs. - "My turn!" She smiled at him. The guy, who until now realize what was happening, began to scream. The girl silenced him immediately and had success jumped and landed on the young boy's shoulders and choked his screams with her cold hands. The guy tried in every way to throw her off, but the girl was strong, very strong and remained seated on his shoulders. The young and inexperienced guy went forward to his knees, and instead tried to crawl away from her.
The girl corrected him, slid down and put her legs around his arms and held him. She stroked her finger across his neck where she could clearly see how the carotid pulse vehemently. For her it was a lovely sight. She pulled her tongue over the vein and placed over the teeth.
- "Elise, how long will you torture the poor fellow?" The voice got Elisa smiling and looking up from the young boy. She saw a tall woman in a burgundy jumpsuit and long brown hair and she was wearing black pump heels. Beside her stood a little shorter woman, in a gray hooded sweatshirt and blue jean trousers and black tennis shoes, so out of fashion. Her red hair flamade by the fall of darkness. Their eyes glowed red.
- "Kitty, Margret! So good to see you!" She said with a sweet French accent. The boy beneath her was still trying to scream through her cold mouth. Elise shushed him and stroked his cheek with his finger.
- "Do not call me Kitty!" Kit growled irritably. Both she and I had just arrived in time to clean up after Elise. We had luck on our side to get up extra early before it once again would be headlines on tomorrow's papers.
- "But I like it more than Kit, then you might as well call you Keith!" She smiled and stroked her hand over the neck of the boy.
- "But I like the young blood., It tastes much better than the old troll blood." She sighed Supplied and ended up in the boy's arms and looked into his terrified eyes.
- "Elise" I growled at her. Elise shrank a little and dropped out of the boy and took her hand away from the boy's mouth. As soon as her hand disappeared from the boy's mouth, he started to scream again. I hurried forward, put my hand over his mouth and looked into the boy's eyes.
- "You'll never remember us, we do not exist. You came here with the whore and you should now go back to the square and share your experiences with your friends. Understood?" The boy's pupils had expanded when I talked quietly with him. One advantage was that we could hypnotize our victims and have them never to remember that our kind existed. That's why no one suspected that vampires exist.
The boy went back to normal and left deserted courtyard and went back to the square. I sighed and turned to Elise. The girl was extremely small. But she was firm growth in a 16 year-old's body, and that was why she had it so easy to trick the young and inexperienced boys. Among other things, give them a treat before she killed them. She went under the familiar name of the black widow from France.
- "I was so hungry!" Elise sighed and jumped up smoothly on an old wooden barrel and sat down.
- "You can take a homeless I saw before., He sits and begs money at a resturant engines. He is drunk and making a quick end to his suffering and for God's sake, do it with style!" Kit said to her, without Sempati for the poor and begging man. Elise was disgusted by the thought of eating a begging man.
The light of mystery! - Part 1 {English}
The months had flowed and it was finally summer again and so much has happened these past few months.
I have moved to Valedale and sold most of my horses. Danny was home with my sister in Jorvik City and the rest of the horses have new owners. It was not only what was new. My hair was not blonde anymore. My hair was brown and short, but other than that, everything else was the same
I lived in one of the houses that lay beyond the Avalon's house and Valedale sales stables. I lived there with Chiara, who had also moved to Valedale.
The vineyard and all the horses reminded too much from that terrible time a few months ago and I needed to restart my life.
However, it was still difficult. For wherever I went, I was reminded of the time with Derek, who did not even know who I was.
Fripp had also allowed me to joined in Aideens protector, even though I said I did not want to join anything. Avalon has taken care of me these past few months and he has been training me to master the sword technique. Which I thought was ridiculous. To master the sword technique was not easy and Avalon's way of learning, was rock hard and I have during these months suffered bruises and abrasions. It was not so easy to master something, that could also, at the wrong technology, also hurt myself if I lost concentration. Which I often did and suffered stroke and chewing gravel.
- "What have I said about moving your feet?" He said when I once went on a such blowing and sitting on the ground. My sword, which was nothing but a sword in wood, lay a few feet away from me. Blood dripped from my nose and bloodied my purple sweater.
I said nothing, but got up and went after the wooden sword. - "Your feet are your balance and you must begin to learn to use your legs. Failing to do so, you will never be able to stand against your opponent., I have told you several times!"
- "Have I not said that I do not want to learn to master the art of the sword!" I growled and picked up the sword. I swung it around a few turns in my hand and turned me on to him. Moved my right leg backwards and held the sword ready for battle.
Chiara lay on a sun lounger by the house in a bikini and dark sunglasses and enjoyed the serenity of the waterfall, Avalon voice and the chirping of birds. Avalon swung his sword and went to attack me.
Wooden swords hitting each other and I did everything I could to defend myself against him. Avalon was the strongest of us and he had many years mastered the art of the sword, and his battles with wooden the sword against mine, put me on one knee. I held the end of the bar and wood blade. I was holding up, not to go all the way down on my knees and once again get abrasions and damaged clothing.
I took the power from my legs and got the force to push away Avalon's sword from me. The power I got, got Avalon stumbled backwards.
- "Good!" Did he encouraging and smiled. I did not smile.
I had been in a bad temper for months and I had no reason to smile anymore. I tossed the sword aside and went to Chiara, who gave me a bottle of water.
- "You seem to get into the technique now!" She said without looking up from the dark glasses. Avalon sat down on the sun bed beside her.
- "You might want to try for yourself?" I told her, and drank from the water bottle.
- "I have tried, but Mr overprotective will not let me try!" She said, then smiled. Avalon shook his head and drank even he of the cold water from the bottle. I so wanted to smile, but I did not. I was happy for them, they both worked so well together even though they both were so incredibly stubborn. Perhaps that was why they worked together.
- "Will you come and sleep in the house at night or are you going to stay here another night?" I asked her sarcastically without looking down at her. She moved down the sunglasses and looked up at me.
- "Do you miss me?" She said and then sat up in the chair.
I shrugged.
- "Perhaps!" I answered her.
- "You can sleep at home in the house tonight., I will be busy tonight and would love to not be disturbed." Chiara laughed softly.
- "You have not had that much to do them this past few days!" She said, and put the sunglasses back in place and lay down.
- "What do you think it may have been the reason?" She smiled at him. I turned away my face from them while they nibbled on each other. Chiara loved to tease Avalon and usually used to end up with them every adversaries, but they always forgave each other afterwards.
I put down my the water bottle and then started to walk away from the house. - "Where are you going? We're not done yet?" Avalon cried for me. I stopped, but started walking again. I did not answer him, either, but continued to go down the path below the Avalon's house. I followed the path until I came down the river.
I pulled off my clothes, put them on the ground, took the kit and dived into the cold water. The water was freezing but it felt good against my body, after all the blow I received these past few months.
I swam up to the surface and took a deep breath before I started to swim out to the middle of the river. I could see that Avalon gone after me and stood in their backyard above the trail and saw me. Surely, he was being overprotective.
He stood in the dark jeans pants and a white T-shirt that was v-neck. He held his right hand in the pocket of jeans trousers and the the left, he kept the wooden swords.
It was unusual to see him the more civilian clothes. Not only that, he had cut off her long black hair and now had short black hair instead. He looked more manly now than when he jumped around in his tunic.
I turned around and dived under the icy water. It was pretty good deep here in the middle, and the further down I got, the more it became an uncomfortable pressure in my ears and colder. But I went down. I just wanted to avoid looking him in the eyes, or having to think about Derek and the horrific months. I turned my body and felt my legs hit the bottom of the river. I sank into the cold water, even though I screamed for air, I persisted to remain a while longer before I could not hold out more. I took the power from the legs and shot me up. With the help of my arms, I took the proper stroke, broke up the water and took a deep breath. My body had started to get used to the cold.
Avalon was not there and looked after me, which got me to swim to shore and jump up from the cold water. I went home and stood in the shower and took care of my scrapes. It has happened so many times that I have asked myself the question, if it was worth leaving Valedale and visit Derek? Would he know who I am, or all would just be embarrassing? I sighed resignedly sat on the floor in the bathroom and pulled my legs up towards my face. I could not stop the tears that poured down over my cheeks.
Avalon sat down next to me again and put the swords aside.
- "Why are you sighing?" I asked him.
- "How did you put up with her all these years?" He asked me and his eyes were directed towards the river. I smiled.
- "She does not usually behave like this, you know. You have not forgotten what she went through?" I sat up on my knees behind him and put my arms around him. He put his arm over mine.
- "No, you can not forget that either." He said softly. We sat in silence for a long time before he spoke again. - "What was she like before all this happened?" I laughed and released him.
- "Are you going to change your view of her?" I asked him teasingly. He smiled.
- "Perhaps, if nothing else, maybe I can get to know her better." He said and turned his face towards me. I leaned my forehead against his.
- "I do not think it will help. Emma is a person who likes to be alone. When Derek came into her life, she had someone to be with and yearn to be with, but who also respected her for who she was. to force her into anything, as Fripp does now, forcing her to be a member of Aideens patrons, making it difficult for her. She mentioned it the the Secret Stone ring. "I said, encouraging him and looked back to that night.
It was a night to remember as one of the worst. I put my hand over my stomach, which uncovered two visible scars. Avalon had seen my movement and took my hand.
- "Does it hurt?" He asked anxiously. I shook my head and smiled.
- "No, I got a flashback." I smiled. A horrible flashback accurately. I have, like Emma, struggled not to think back. But it was hard not to do it. The scars on my stomach showed me it all too clearly.
- "Nothing is going to happen to you again Chiara!" He caressed my cheek when he said it. I nodded.
- "I know it is not so easy to not think about it!" I answered him and began to stand up. The sun disappeared behind the mountain in Valedale, meaning that the clock was after four in the afternoon. - "See you tomorrow!" I said as I leaned down and kissed his head and started walking back to the house I shared with Emma.
Avalon sat left alone and looked after me.
Sound of a broken heart! - Part 2!
I love the rain. I well remember during my human time, I liked to sneak out and stand in the rain during the night or early morning, before my family woke up. I really enjoyed. I could not see the rain, but to feel it drip on me, was a relief.
I turned off the road and hurried me into a path that veered off directly from the car road and into a small forest. I knew there were people in here all the time and it was a perfect place to hunt on. However, I remove my tracks as best I could. I stopped and listened. My shoes, I had long since kicked me off somewhere along the way.
I looked better without shoes. It was only Mary who insisted that I should have shoes on me. It was less suspicious and if I had shoes. I laughed, took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I listened with my feet, my sensation has strengthened itself since I became a vampire. During my time as a human, I learned to see with my feet and hear with my hearing. With that, I became a vampire, my five senses strengthened and I was a great judge of character and hunters. The sound of traffic was that rumbled under my feet, it would be difficult to see then, but I could also see another move through the woods. I listened. The victim was listening to music and walked quickly down the trail. A woman was it, right young one. Not that great sacrifice. I looked past her and listened again. No one seemed to want to go on the trail this time of day.
I opened my eyes and turned and ran through the forest, leaping over the small ditch with mud water. Landed smoothly on the other side, and continued forward.
I'm glad that today's clothes made it easy for me. My black jeans and a gray hooded sweatshirt got my movements feel extra smooth. Not from the past when the dresses were an obstacle and I always got tangled in my legs. Though, I started early to dress up like a man to be able to run around in trousers and jacket.
I went across the road and down to a small lake that lay between Kvissleby and Skottsund. A small lake that was a popular swimming destination during every summer. I ran past the lake and onto a path that went around the lake.
With ease, I climbed noiselessly up the tree and listened. Below me, a man walkin. Average age, black hair, skin jacket and torn jeans. Black shoes he had on and went in streamers over the dirty trail. The rain had started to pour down from the black sky, and soaked us both down.
I felt my mood suddenly changed and it went over into anger. The predator in me grew and I threw myself from the tree and landed above the man. The man began swearing and screaming to get rid of me.
I threw my arms around him. Although he was bigger than me, he was an easy fight. With my strength, I wrestled down the man and put teeth into the man's shoulder. My razor-sharp teeth, went through the skin on skin jacket and felt the warm blood touched my tongue. Eagerly I hurried drink of it. The man had started to scream. I changed possition and sat on him, put my cold hand over his mouth and bit him again, now over the carotid artery. The blood pulsed in my mouth. It tasted sweet, but the taste of alcohol were mixed with the sweet. The man continued to try to fight away my iron grip, but very soon he got tired and became powerless. I felt that I came to the last drop of blood and released him. Set me up with my face against the rain. The rain washed away the remnants of the blood that flowed out of my mouth. I smiled.
- "How long have you been standing there?" I wondered, and turned me on to a tall woman. The woman smiled. She was really long. Her long brown hair hung far down over her shoulders and they the red eyes, could not be mistaken, she was a vampire
- "Long enough to enjoy the scene and the fragrance." She sighed as sweet. She walked past me and sat down on the haunches and looked at the lifeless man. - "He was my sacrifice, but I waited too long., I did not see you at all!" I laughed.
- "Oops!" I said innocently, and wiped the blood from my mouth. - "I've been looking for you. Have you been in Essvik all the time?"
Kit sat down.
- "Well, I live on an island that is located in Essvik." I laughed at the thought. No wonder I could not find her.
- "You have not seen Ray somewhere?" I wondered. I was still sitting on the man and stood up. I needed to hide him before someone saw us and him.
Kit shook her head.
- "I have not heard from him in several years., I do not know where he is. But you know him, he turns up when you least expect it!" She smiled and followed my example. I lifted up the man, who weighed nothing for me and started to walk up the mountain behind us. Kit followed me. I agreed with her. Rayanas was a mysterious man and turned out no more than necessary.
- "But," began Kit, when we climbed up the steep wall. - "I have heard according to a rumor that Ray is resident here in Sundsvall. Whatever he does I do not know!" She continued. When we reached the top of the mountain, we started moving into the forest and past a large antenna.
- "Who said that?" I wondered. The tall woman threw with her wet, brown hair and laughed.
- "Who do you think?" She smiled at me. Among her white perfect teeth revealed two fangs.
- "Elisa, She is a true sneak!" Elisa is a rather new vampire. She is originally from France but settled in Sweden. Her French accent, she uses that charm to attract her victims. And she always chose to young victims, which caused headlines. I was the one who always had to clean up after her.
- "Very right, but one can not always rely on her., I got to clean up after her, now the other day!" Kit sighed and sat down on a rock. I had begun to dig into the rock with my hands to hide my sacrifice from the world. Let hope no one misses him.
- "I'm not surprised. Elisa never learn how to behave!" Kit laughing even higher.
- "We all have not been flawless either!" She smiled and wiped away an imaginary tear. I shook my head, jumped up from the four-meter-deep hole and threw the man down there and buried him there.
- "True!" I answered her in the end and sat down beside her. She wore a burgundy jumpsuit with a black sash around her waist. Kit was good to dress professionally and no one could have imagined that she was a monster. Aside from them red eyes. She was really beautiful to look at. Oval face shape, small nose and full red lips. The eyes were almond-shaped, long and dark eyelashes. She was a pleasure to look at and Kit used mostly his style to attract wealthy men. She tossed with brown hair again.
- "Okay, what do we do now? Are you still hungry?" She asked and stood up, stretched himself. I looked down at her shoes, but like me, she went barefoot. I shrugged.
- "I think I'll stay here a while." The view was stunning. I could see Kvissle village, where the village lit up by all the lights and Grum hill.
- "Suit yourself. I'm going into town and check on the operating life there. Who knows, Rayanas might pop up." She winked her eye. I rolled my eyes, but could not help but smile. I nodded and we threw ourselves out of the mountain's edge and landed on the ground below, without leaving a trace behind us.
Sound Of A Broken Heart - Part 1!
I took a deep breath as I looked out the window. The view I had was the major highway where the cars drove past every day. I live in a little village located south of the great capital Sundsvall. Which not too long time ago was voted Sweden's northern capital. I enjoyed this village. It was pleasant and always full of life and movement. Although the village does not feel so great, so had this village all. Health center, a gas station, grocery store, clothing stores, pharmacies, yes it had it all.
I turned around when a key is turned away at the front door and a click was heard. In through the door came Mary. Mary was a tall woman, around 35 years. She have brown short hair and was always dressed professionally. Khaki jacket and khaki trousers with matching black stylish heels. Maria is a relative of mine, or she is a relative of my brother, who passed away many years ago. He was 90 years before he was put to sleep peacefully at home. It was that night that I visited him before and let him see me for the first time in 87 years. Seeing him smile and then think that he was dead, made me still laugh at it. But, it was a long time ago my brother died.
He died almost 150 years ago.
I sat more to the right on the window sill when Mary came into the small apartment, with her face in the bag. When she looked up, she jumped when she saw me.
- "Maggie: You scared me!" She said, with her hand over her heart. - "And how did you get in?, I had the door locked, then you would not come back until a few weeks!" I smiled and tossed my red curly hair.
- "Change of plans. And I came in the door., You gave me a spare key, you must have forgotten!" I smiled and jumped down sitting in her skottish colored sofa. The couch was really comfortable.
She laughed and put down her brown purse on the kitchen chair.
- "Change of plans, as I said. I found neither Ray or Kit!" I said and started the TV and looked uninteresting on what they said on the news. It was always the same, war, robbery and murder. They never showed any good nowadays. - "I was going to surprise you and come a bit earlier, I think I succeeded!" I laughed and stretched me a little bit.
- "Well, probably surprised me always." She sat down next to me and leaned back in the couch.
- "Busy day?" I asked her. She nodded.
- "You could say that, I'm doing nothing more than running errands for people." Mary worked as an assistant at a law firm in Sundsvall. She had a sort of love-hate relationship to her job. Her boss was strict and always put Mary in the work and she was never a quiet moment or time to eat lunch.
- "Can I help you with something?" I asked her. She shook her head violently!
- "No, thanks, I will take care of this myself without supernatural help!" She said quickly, and opened her eyes.
I forgot to tell you. Although I looks like any innocent human being, then I'm not. I am one of the world's most dangerous predators that exist only in people's imagination, but I'm of the real thing. You should not believe everything that people write about. In all the fairy tales you read about us, we do not tolerate garlic, a stake through the heart will kill us and we burn up in the sun. Or the last-mentioned is true actually. It depends on how long we stay in the sun. We do not burn up, instead, we lose energy, and after a few hours, we can go to sleep and then slowly rotting away.
I move fast and incredible light-footed, I make no sound from me when I move. I highly adapted sense of smell and can smell everything. I'm like a bloodhound, but much more dangerous. I am a vampire and I was born over again for 237 years ago in England, Carlisle. I was only 17 years old and was born blind. The year was 1777, the same year my brother got married and the day of a mysterious man kidnapped me away from the wedding.
He transformed me, felt sorry for me that I was born blind, and he changed it. I looked at the world through new eyes. But a certain haziness remained in my eyes after the transformation. My eyes really should have had a red color, red for the blood of the people I ate. But instead they had an orange hue that made me quite unique in comparison to all others. I'm a bloodsucker, a creature that people in other countries call my kind of, the cold, my name is Margret Papillon and I'm a vampire.
Mary is a human relative of mine. She is the offspring of my brother. She and all the women after her, have been known about my existence. I call my self guardian and make sure that no one disturbs my family. Though, I had a person who interferes with my family and I did not like him at all. No matter how friendly he was.
- "Are you going to meet him today?" I asked her suddenly. She smiled as she looked at me.
- "Maggie, do not be jealous now!" She smiled.
- "I'm not jealous! Answer my question!" I muttered to her. Of course Mary already knew who he was. I could not resist a day to put me in their date and he told me who he really was. It surprised not Mary at all. She is well aware of our existence. Just that Walther, who she met, was not like me. He was the seventh son seventh son and was born into something quite different, which many believe is a myth and dizzy all human imagination. Walther was a werewolf.
- "Yes, he asked me out to dinner today at Tapas!" She replied to my question. - "And you have to let it go there now! Had Walther wanted to hurt me, do not you think he should have done it a long time ago?" She said and stood up. - "I'll take a shower., You may do as you please." Mary got up and went to the bathroom and closed the door behind her.
I threw myself down on the couch, buried my face in the pillow and screamed and wanted to rip the pillow in half. But I did not. I sat up instead and looked after on the bathroom door. A shower started. I turned around and looked out the window again. The sun went down behind the mountains in Nolby. I puffed out and disappeared quickly from the apartment. I needed to eat in order to calm my nerves.