When will life take a new turn? - Part 17 {English}

I felt the tears came.
- "Dead?" I whispered low and turned around toward Elisabeth and Avalon. - "What shall we do?"
- "Here!" Leon gave a pile of paper to Lindathat he copied. Linda looked at the papers and then at Leon. - "From here you're on your own., We have done our part. Now we pull into Captain Brus, he is still awaiting us?" Avalon nodded and moved aside so both Conrad and Leon could get in the boat. They two men sat on opposite ends of the boat.
Conrad, Jorviks best blacksmith sat at the oars. The gray, shoulder-length hair blew light up when a sea breeze came drifting. Leon sat down in front of him and turned around. Whoever he was, I did not then I've never seen him before, but apparently he was a good friend of Aiden's Patron.
The man was young, very young and heavily built and tall. He had blond hair and deep brown eyes and dark eyebrows. His face was oval, a beautiful shaped nose and smooth lips. His face where serious when he turned to us and grabbed the coat at Avalon.

Avalon looked down at him. 
- "Take care of you. May the light of Aiden protect you!" Avalon bowed to Leon who bowed back. 
- "Take care of you. Aiden May the light protect you!" Avalon bowed to Leon who bowed back. He let go of Avalon's rock and pushed out from the oil platform. And we alone, looked at how the little skiff disappeared in the mists. 
- "You should have gone with them" Did I hear Avalon say directly to me. I gritted my teeth and gave him a sullen glance before we started walking up the stairs. 
Linda stayed behind. 
- "I will stay here I think!" She whispered, still looking through the papers Leon had given her. - "I can not read this in the dark and then read and the fight will not be so good!" 
- "Here!" I said and stretched her a walkie talkie, which I had found in Avalon's house and snuck into the bag. -"I'll take the other, you can call us directly if you have found something important things that we should know about!" She nodded and took it. 
- "I hold myself down at the port so I can not be seen from above." She smiled and picked up the box that Fripp given her. - "Take care of this, whatever you do do not lose it!" I nodded and put down the box carefully in the bag and Linda rushed back quickly.

Avalon looked back down at me again. 
- "I will not go back!" 
- "Stay close to me then!" He whispered. I could not help but smile and stood behind him and we began to move upward.

My head was pounding. It felt as if my eyes would pop out of their sockets. I had no direct track of how long I've been in this room, or when I last ate and drank. One of the men was nice and kind that gave me water but how long ago was that? 
I tried to sit up, but the body was aching after all the bangs, so I went to lie down in an uncomfortable position. My arms and legs were still tightly lashed on me and every little movement hurt. I closed my eyes for a while but I been reminded of the headache so I continued to keep my eyes open. I missed Leon who took care of me. He never said anything, but held me and shared their warmth to me.

I was still a little disappointed that he could not lash the ropes a bit. Even though I asked him to do it, he could not. For I ran away, it was he who would take the blows, because he let me loose. 
I winced as a key twisted in the lock and the door slid open. I saw a woman in a green dress came in through the door behind her, two men approached. I backed away from her. She just smiled at me. 
- "Take her!" She said, turned and went out the door. One of the men stepped forward toward me and lifted me up and put me over his shoulder. I saw on the metal floor, which gave away tinkling sound when their steps were moving on the floor. We swung by at a corridor that led us up toward a staircase.

I moaned quietly when every step they took seemed like a nightmare, I went up and down the shaft and got support in the stomach. How big feet had he really? 
I tried to put me right on his shoulder, but as I moved he threw on me so I ended up under the arm on him instead. A terrible situation because I did not know where the other man was. Was he in front or behind us? I looked up, but with a stiff neck, it felt pointless. I was hoping that he went ahead.

When the scent of sea water reached us, I finally got to experience how to be out in the fresh air and I enjoyed every breath, closed my eyes and smiled. I dreamed myself into that moment that I and Derek met for the first time in over a month since the incident at Mr. Kembell. That moment with picnic, sunset in the horizon that colored the sky a beautiful orange and pink glow and then the cool sea breeze coming from the sea. This was where we had our first kiss and the whole evening after it was magical. 
I woke up when the man moved me from under his arm and sat down on the platform. The ropes that lashed my body was removed and instead they put shackles around my wrists and then felt the chains, who sat in shackles, was stretched and I was lifted up so I stood on my legs.

It was then that I looked around. From the platform round corners stood the huge pillars that had an opposite bright light that shone into the center of the platform and each bulb was controlled by four of the men who worked for Mr. Sands. 
Right in front of me, I could see something else. A man sat down. He sat in something that looked like a guillotine, just that it lacked the sharp blade, instead he sat down on his knees with his arms above his head, also with shackles and chains that went way beyond guillotine parable. I followed the chains and saw how they were connected to mine. 
- "Derek!" I whispered low. The man did not move. - "Derek!" I shouted. Derek's name echoed through the mist and were drowned out by laughter from Mr. Sands men standing on the edges around the circle and laughed at us.

- "Welcome!" The voice was familiar, and my neck hairs stood up. A man came up through the pack of men, and stood in between me and Derek. Ron's voice had a sharp tone of humor. - "I have had the honor of Mr. Sands to lay my vengeance and this is my idea!" He demonstrated with his hands on the awful creation, which was a barrier between me and Derek. - "This is something I've been waiting to get done, and I hope you will enjoy as much as I do, this is my revenge." He pulled a black revolver at me and when the sound of a shot being fired, I could hear my voice echoed through the mist!

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