The light of mystery! - Part 1 {English}

The months had flowed and it was finally summer again and so much has happened these past few months. 
I have moved to Valedale and sold most of my horses. Danny was home with my sister in Jorvik City and the rest of the horses have new owners. It was not only what was new. My hair was not blonde anymore. My hair was brown and short, but other than that, everything else was the same

I lived in one of the houses that lay beyond the Avalon's house and Valedale sales stables. I lived there with Chiara, who had also moved to Valedale. 
The vineyard and all the horses reminded too much from that terrible time a few months ago and I needed to restart my life. 
However, it was still difficult. For wherever I went, I was reminded of the time with Derek, who did not even know who I was.

Fripp had also allowed me to joined in Aideens protector, even though I said I did not want to join anything. Avalon has taken care of me these past few months and he has been training me to master the sword technique. Which I thought was ridiculous. To master the sword technique was not easy and Avalon's way of learning, was rock hard and I have during these months suffered bruises and abrasions. It was not so easy to master something, that could also, at the wrong technology, also hurt myself if I lost concentration. Which I often did and suffered stroke and chewing gravel. 
- "What have I said about moving your feet?" He said when I once went on a such blowing and sitting on the ground. My sword, which was nothing but a sword in wood, lay a few feet away from me. Blood dripped from my nose and bloodied my purple sweater.

I said nothing, but got up and went after the wooden sword. - "Your feet are your balance and you must begin to learn to use your legs. Failing to do so, you will never be able to stand against your opponent., I have told you several times!" 
- "Have I not said that I do not want to learn to master the art of the sword!" I growled and picked up the sword. I swung it around a few turns in my hand and turned me on to him. Moved my right leg backwards and held the sword ready for battle. 
Chiara lay on a sun lounger by the house in a bikini and dark sunglasses and enjoyed the serenity of the waterfall, Avalon voice and the chirping of birds. Avalon swung his sword and went to attack me.

Wooden swords hitting each other and I did everything I could to defend myself against him. Avalon was the strongest of us and he had many years mastered the art of the sword, and his battles with wooden the sword against mine, put me on one knee. I held the end of the bar and wood blade. I was holding up, not to go all the way down on my knees and once again get abrasions and damaged clothing. 
I took the power from my legs and got the force to push away Avalon's sword from me. The power I got, got Avalon stumbled backwards. 
- "Good!" Did he encouraging and smiled. I did not smile. 
I had been in a bad temper for months and I had no reason to smile anymore. I tossed the sword aside and went to Chiara, who gave me a bottle of water.

- "You seem to get into the technique now!" She said without looking up from the dark glasses. Avalon sat down on the sun bed beside her. 
- "You might want to try for yourself?" I told her, and drank from the water bottle. 
- "I have tried, but Mr overprotective will not let me try!" She said, then smiled. Avalon shook his head and drank even he of the cold water from the bottle. I so wanted to smile, but I did not. I was happy for them, they both worked so well together even though they both were so incredibly stubborn. Perhaps that was why they worked together. 
- "Will you come and sleep in the house at night or are you going to stay here another night?" I asked her sarcastically without looking down at her. She moved down the sunglasses and looked up at me. 
- "Do you miss me?" She said and then sat up in the chair.

I shrugged. 
- "Perhaps!" I answered her.
- "You can sleep at home in the house tonight., I will be busy tonight and would love to not be disturbed." Chiara laughed softly. 
- "You have not had that much to do them this past few days!" She said, and put the sunglasses back in place and lay down. 
- "What do you think it may have been the reason?" She smiled at him. I turned away my face from them while they nibbled on each other. Chiara loved to tease Avalon and usually used to end up with them every adversaries, but they always forgave each other afterwards. 
I put down my the water bottle and then started to walk away from the house. - "Where are you going? We're not done yet?" Avalon cried for me. I stopped, but started walking again. I did not answer him, either, but continued to go down the path below the Avalon's house. I followed the path until I came down the river.

I pulled off my clothes, put them on the ground, took the kit and dived into the cold water. The water was freezing but it felt good against my body, after all the blow I received these past few months. 
I swam up to the surface and took a deep breath before I started to swim out to the middle of the river. I could see that Avalon gone after me and stood in their backyard above the trail and saw me. Surely, he was being overprotective. 
He stood in the dark jeans pants and a white T-shirt that was v-neck. He held his right hand in the pocket of jeans trousers and the the left, he kept the wooden swords. 
It was unusual to see him the more civilian clothes. Not only that, he had cut off her long black hair and now had short black hair instead. He looked more manly now than when he jumped around in his tunic.

I turned around and dived under the icy water. It was pretty good deep here in the middle, and the further down I got, the more it became an uncomfortable pressure in my ears and colder. But I went down. I just wanted to avoid looking him in the eyes, or having to think about Derek and the horrific months. I turned my body and felt my legs hit the bottom of the river. I sank into the cold water, even though I screamed for air, I persisted to remain a while longer before I could not hold out more. I took the power from the legs and shot me up. With the help of my arms, I took the proper stroke, broke up the water and took a deep breath. My body had started to get used to the cold.

Avalon was not there and looked after me, which got me to swim to shore and jump up from the cold water. I went home and stood in the shower and took care of my scrapes. It has happened so many times that I have asked myself the question, if it was worth leaving Valedale and visit Derek? Would he know who I am, or all would just be embarrassing? I sighed resignedly sat on the floor in the bathroom and pulled my legs up towards my face. I could not stop the tears that poured down over my cheeks.

Avalon sat down next to me again and put the swords aside.
- "Why are you sighing?" I asked him.
- "How did you put up with her all these years?" He asked me and his eyes were directed towards the river. I smiled.
- "She does not usually behave like this, you know. You have not forgotten what she went through?" I sat up on my knees behind him and put my arms around him. He put his arm over mine.
- "No, you can not forget that either." He said softly. We sat in silence for a long time before he spoke again. - "What was she like before all this happened?" I laughed and released him.
- "Are you going to change your view of her?" I asked him teasingly. He smiled.
- "Perhaps, if nothing else, maybe I can get to know her better." He said and turned his face towards me. I leaned my forehead against his.
- "I do not think it will help. Emma is a person who likes to be alone. When Derek came into her life, she had someone to be with and yearn to be with, but who also respected her for who she was. to force her into anything, as Fripp does now, forcing her to be a member of Aideens patrons, making it difficult for her. She mentioned it the the Secret Stone ring. "I said, encouraging him and looked back to that night.

It was a night to remember as one of the worst. I put my hand over my stomach, which uncovered two visible scars. Avalon had seen my movement and took my hand.
- "Does it hurt?" He asked anxiously. I shook my head and smiled.
- "No, I got a flashback." I smiled. A horrible flashback accurately. I have, like Emma, struggled not to think back. But it was hard not to do it. The scars on my stomach showed me it all too clearly.
- "Nothing is going to happen to you again Chiara!" He caressed my cheek when he said it. I nodded.
- "I know it is not so easy to not think about it!" I answered him and began to stand up. The sun disappeared behind the mountain in Valedale, meaning that the clock was after four in the afternoon. - "See you tomorrow!" I said as I leaned down and kissed his head and started walking back to the house I shared with Emma.
Avalon sat left alone and looked after me.


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