Sound of a broken heart! - Part 2!

When the sun finally disappeared behind the mountain in Nolby, the evening came quite quickly and very soon, there was a darkness over the small village of Kvissle Village. I had gone over Sweatshirts's Bridge, which crossed the river June. Across the bridge, there were more houses, however it was a bit deserted. For as soon as darkness falls, closes people into their house and enjoying the warmth. I for that matter, neither felt any cold or heat.

I love the rain. I well remember during my human time, I liked to sneak out and stand in the rain during the night or early morning, before my family woke up. I really enjoyed. I could not see the rain, but to feel it drip on me, was a relief. 
I turned off the road and hurried me into a path that veered off directly from the car road and into a small forest. I knew there were people in here all the time and it was a perfect place to hunt on. However, I remove my tracks as best I could. I stopped and listened. My shoes, I had long since kicked me off somewhere along the way.

I looked better without shoes. It was only Mary who insisted that I should have shoes on me. It was less suspicious and if I had shoes. I laughed, took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I listened with my feet, my sensation has strengthened itself since I became a vampire. During my time as a human, I learned to see with my feet and hear with my hearing. With that, I became a vampire, my five senses strengthened and I was a great judge of character and hunters. The sound of traffic was that rumbled under my feet, it would be difficult to see then, but I could also see another move through the woods. I listened. The victim was listening to music and walked quickly down the trail. A woman was it, right young one. Not that great sacrifice. I looked past her and listened again. No one seemed to want to go on the trail this time of day.
I opened my eyes and turned and ran through the forest, leaping over the small ditch with mud water. Landed smoothly on the other side, and continued forward.

I'm glad that today's clothes made it easy for me. My black jeans and a gray hooded sweatshirt got my movements feel extra smooth. Not from the past when the dresses were an obstacle and I always got tangled in my legs. Though, I started early to dress up like a man to be able to run around in trousers and jacket. 
I went across the road and down to a small lake that lay between Kvissleby and Skottsund. A small lake that was a popular swimming destination during every summer. I ran past the lake and onto a path that went around the lake. 
With ease, I climbed noiselessly up the tree and listened. Below me, a man walkin. Average age, black hair, skin jacket and torn jeans. Black shoes he had on and went in streamers over the dirty trail. The rain had started to pour down from the black sky, and soaked us both down. 
I felt my mood suddenly changed and it went over into anger. The predator in me grew and I threw myself from the tree and landed above the man. The man began swearing and screaming to get rid of me.

I threw my arms around him. Although he was bigger than me, he was an easy fight. With my strength, I wrestled down the man and put teeth into the man's shoulder. My razor-sharp teeth, went through the skin on skin jacket and felt the warm blood touched my tongue. Eagerly I hurried drink of it. The man had started to scream. I changed possition and sat on him, put my cold hand over his mouth and bit him again, now over the carotid artery. The blood pulsed in my mouth. It tasted sweet, but the taste of alcohol were mixed with the sweet. The man continued to try to fight away my iron grip, but very soon he got tired and became powerless. I felt that I came to the last drop of blood and released him. Set me up with my face against the rain. The rain washed away the remnants of the blood that flowed out of my mouth. I smiled.

- "How long have you been standing there?" I wondered, and turned me on to a tall woman. The woman smiled. She was really long. Her long brown hair hung far down over her shoulders and they the red eyes, could not be mistaken, she was a vampire 
- "Long enough to enjoy the scene and the fragrance." She sighed as sweet. She walked past me and sat down on the haunches and looked at the lifeless man. - "He was my sacrifice, but I waited too long., I did not see you at all!" I laughed. 
- "Oops!" I said innocently, and wiped the blood from my mouth. - "I've been looking for you. Have you been in Essvik all the time?" 
Kit sat down. 
- "Well, I live on an island that is located in Essvik." I laughed at the thought. No wonder I could not find her. 
- "You have not seen Ray somewhere?" I wondered. I was still sitting on the man and stood up. I needed to hide him before someone saw us and him.
Kit shook her head.
- "I have not heard from him in several years., I do not know where he is. But you know him, he turns up when you least expect it!" She smiled and followed my example. I lifted up the man, who weighed nothing for me and started to walk up the mountain behind us. Kit followed me. I agreed with her. Rayanas was a mysterious man and turned out no more than necessary.

- "But," began Kit, when we climbed up the steep wall. - "I have heard according to a rumor that Ray is resident here in Sundsvall. Whatever he does I do not know!" She continued. When we reached the top of the mountain, we started moving into the forest and past a large antenna. 
- "Who said that?" I wondered. The tall woman threw with her wet, brown hair and laughed. 
- "Who do you think?" She smiled at me. Among her white perfect teeth revealed two fangs. 
- "Elisa, She is a true sneak!" Elisa is a rather new vampire. She is originally from France but settled in Sweden. Her French accent, she uses that charm to attract her victims. And she always chose to young victims, which caused headlines. I was the one who always had to clean up after her. 
- "Very right, but one can not always rely on her., I got to clean up after her, now the other day!" Kit sighed and sat down on a rock. I had begun to dig into the rock with my hands to hide my sacrifice from the world. Let hope no one misses him.
- "I'm not surprised. Elisa never learn how to behave!" Kit laughing even higher. 
- "We all have not been flawless either!" She smiled and wiped away an imaginary tear. I shook my head, jumped up from the four-meter-deep hole and threw the man down there and buried him there.

- "True!" I answered her in the end and sat down beside her. She wore a burgundy jumpsuit with a black sash around her waist. Kit was good to dress professionally and no one could have imagined that she was a monster. Aside from them red eyes. She was really beautiful to look at. Oval face shape, small nose and full red lips. The eyes were almond-shaped, long and dark eyelashes. She was a pleasure to look at and Kit used mostly his style to attract wealthy men. She tossed with brown hair again. 
- "Okay, what do we do now? Are you still hungry?" She asked and stood up, stretched himself. I looked down at her shoes, but like me, she went barefoot. I shrugged. 
- "I think I'll stay here a while." The view was stunning. I could see Kvissle village, where the village lit up by all the lights and Grum hill. 
- "Suit yourself. I'm going into town and check on the operating life there. Who knows, Rayanas might pop up." She winked her eye. I rolled my eyes, but could not help but smile. I nodded and we threw ourselves out of the mountain's edge and landed on the ground below, without leaving a trace behind us.

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